Thursday, April 24, 2014

Addie's First Easter

I have always loved holidays, I mean who doesn't?!  But holidays are especially fun this year because everything is a first for you.  We are now a family of 4 (yes, Cooper counts!) and it is very important to your dad and I to start our own traditions as a family.  So far we have gotten to celebrate 2 holidays with you, you were only 4 days old when we celebrated your first Valentine's Day and a little over a month old when we celebrated your first St. Patrick's Day.  Next up was Easter and there were a few things on the agenda....

  1. Take picture with the least creepy Easter bunny that we can find
  2. Use our best artistic skills to decorate some top notch Easter eggs
  3. Buy cute Easter dress (and make sure we have a matching headband of course!)
  4. Attend your first mass (yes, I know you are 2 months old but we haven't been brave enough yet to take you to church because our church does not have a cry room)
  5. Search for our Easter baskets after church and maybe even throw in an Easter egg hunt

We were lucky enough that your Pap, Grandma, and Aunt Kristen came to visit for the long weekend and therefore they got to partake in all of our fun Easter events, whether they liked it or not!  Looking back at our list, we can consider #1 complete.  Grandma, Aunt Kristen, and I took you on a shopping adventure on one of the many cold and rainy days that we had.  We went to MacArthur Center and found what appeared to be a bunny that would pass the creepy test.  We got made sure you had a full belly and a clean diaper before sitting you on the bunnies lap and then crossed our fingers and hoped for the best.  Turns out you did awesome, even smiled for the camera, and we could cross the first thing off our list.

Next up, channel our inner Picasso and decorate some Easter eggs.  Your dad was probably overly excited about this item on our list and he even picked out a princess Easter egg kit with Disney princess stickers.  We gathered the fam around the table and off we went...

Addie all dressed in her cute Easter pajamas from Grandma and ready to dye some eggs!  Coop even joined in on the fun!

Hanging out with Grandma so mommy could use 2 hands to work her magic

Smile for the camera!

Someone got a little sleepy, you always put your hands up by your face to tell us that you're tired and I think it is absolutely adorable!

How cute are those bunny toes?

Sitting around the kitchen table dying Easter eggs, just like the good old days (except about 10 years later!)
The finished product

Easter eggs fit for a princess!

Cooper even got his own egg!

Of course I couldn't pass up the opportunity for a cute photo op -

I even forced Cooper to get in a few shots, poor kids!

"Mom seriously this is torture, can I PLEASE eat it now?"

Now onto #3 buy cute Easter dress and matching headband.  I did some shopping a few weeks before Easter and found the most adorable coral dress.  The outfit was complete with a white cardigan and matching headband.  You look cute in pretty much anything, but getting you all dressed up is especially fun (and of course we have tons of pictures to prove it!)  We signed you up to get an Easter mini-session through Ravens Little Nest Photography so that we could get some really cute pictures of you in your dress and we couldn't be more happy about how they turned out.

Photo credit to Ravens Little Nest Photography

Photo credit to Ravens Little Nest Photography

Photo credit to Ravens Little Nest Photography
Next up was #4, survive Easter mass with a 10 week old and I will say it was a success.  I made sure that you went on a full belly, but I brought a bottle just in case because remember I said that there was no cry room.  You did awesome though!  You were a little fussy in the very beginning so I took you out of your car seat and held you, but then you slept the rest of the time in my arms.  You were warm and cozy and most importantly, quiet, the entire time! Here are some pictures of the fam all dressed up on Easter..

The whole crew on Easter morning (minus Coop!)

I love our cute little family, even if Addie's sticking her tongue out in the picture!

Here's another one minus Addie's tongue

Just me and my favorite little girl

All smiles with Grandma and Pap

Addie you have always loved staring at your daddy!

Love these two

Grandma and Addie all dressed up

The last thing on the agenda was to find our Easter baskets!  Aunt Kristen volunteered to help you look.  You were lucky enough to have to find not 1, but 2 Easter baskets!   The first one you found was in our big family beach bag, the Easter bunny must of known that you are going to be a beach bum just like your mom and your dad.  The second one you found up in your crib.

Checking out your basket from Grandma and Pap.  You got your very first Barbie to go along with your new barbie dollhouse that your Great-Grandpa built for me when I was a little girl.

Check out those shades!

You got a ton of goodies in your very first Easter basket.  You got a book, new shades, "Somebunny loves me" outfit, 2 new toys, a clip for your pacifier, and eggs filled with new headbands!

You are one spoiled little girl!

"Hmm what should I play with first?"

Addie with her Easter goodies

Coop even got to join in on the Easter fun!

And so did we!

Relaxing in your swing, sporting your new bib!

Check out that cutie in her new shades!

That pretty much sums up how we spent your very first Easter.  Let me remind you of our to-do list:

  1. Take picture with the least creepy Easter bunny that we can find
  2. Use our best artistic skills to decorate some top notch Easter eggs
  3. Buy cute Easter dress (and make sure we have a matching headband of course!)
  4. Attend your first mass (yes, I know you are 2 months old but we haven't been brave enough yet to take you to church because our church does not have a cry room)
  5. Search for our Easter baskets after church and maybe even throw in an Easter egg hunt
We completed 4 1/2 out of the 5 things (we got lazy and didn't end up doing our Easter egg hunt, there's always next year though right?) Needless to say we had a lot of fun and we will always remember your very first Easter!

Happy Easter sweet baby girl!

Spring Break

Here are a few highlights from Spring Break.  Your Pap, Grandma, and Aunt Kristen came to visit and although the weather was TERRIBLE, we still had a lot of fun!  We went shopping, watched movies, and ate (a lot!)  We celebrated your First Easter at the end of their trip (but that needed it's own post of course!)

You love hanging out with your Auntie Kristen!

Reading already?!?  You're brilliant Addison Elizabeth!
"Mom, what do you mean Uncle Brian and Carla aren't coming to visit?"
We surprised Pap with a belated birthday present!  He turned 21 (for the 39th time) a few weeks ago!

We bought him Bruce Springsteen tickets and lots of candy to go along with it!
Anyone who knows your Grandma knows that she LOVES to shop!  And what better to do on a rainy day than shop til we drop.  You had your first trip to the mall with your Grandma and she kept you interested for hours.  Your dad's wallet is going to be in trouble if you continue to learn from Grandma!
Family photo op before we went out to Rockafeller's for dinner!

Aunt Kristen being silly again!
"Mom, enough of that milk stuff, I want some steak!"