Thursday, December 25, 2014

Our Christmas Angel

Our Christmas Angel

Merry Christmas everyone!  Today is the day that people across the country are celebrating the joy of Christmas with their closest friends and family.   Houses are full of smiles and laughter, tables are full of delicious food, and there is love all around and memories to be made.  That is why Christmas is so special.  This year there are a lot of mixed emotions in our house.  We are very excited and blessed to spend our first Christmas as a family of 3.  Addie has made this holiday season so much more special and we have really enjoyed making lots of memories together as a family.  On the other hand, there will be an empty spot at the table because Eric's mom - Addie's mom-mom will not be here with us.  She is celebrating her first Christmas in Heaven.  Even though she is not physically here with us, we know that she is our Christmas angel and her presence is here at our house as we wake up on Christmas morning.  Her grandchildren were her world and I know she would just light up as she watched Addie take it all in.   She is smiling down on all of us and wishing us all a very Merry Christmas and we wish the same to her.  Merry Christmas Mom-mom, we love you and miss you very much!


A letter from Eric...

It will be one of the most bitter sweet Christmas celebrations in my life .. on one hand it is Addie's Christmas and I love her more than life itself and want her to be so happy.. on the other hand there will be a HUGE spot missing .... my mom "mom mom" will not pull into the driveway this year with loads and loads of toys for Addie... she will not greet us with that BIG smile and the mom hug we all need at least a few times a year ... Addie will not get to see her walk through the doors anymore ... it is always tough losing your mom but this time of year makes it really hard.. you see my mom and dad went all out for Christmas .. heck it's the reason I now go all out ... before mom past , she was planning on what she was going to get Addie this year for Christmas , she asked me on a few occasions to make sure we didn't get her the same thing .. she was so excited and would light up! Well mom , I went and bought everything you told me you were going get for her because if there are a few things I can promise you....that would be..... your seat will never be taken at the Christmas table, you will always have gifts under the from you and dad , and all my kids will know that mom mom spoke to Jesus and made sure that their lives would be filled with gifts and blessings... love you mom.. forever and always your son

Your 1st Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless Christmas trees
Around the world below,
With tiny lights, like heaven’s stars,
Reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular,
Please wipe away that tear.
For I’m spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs,
That people hold so dear,
But the sounds of music can’t compare,
With the Christmas choir up here.

For I have no words to tell you,
The joy their voices bring.
For it is beyond description,
To hear an angel sing.

I can’t tell you of the splendor,
Or the peace here in this place.
Can you just imagine Christmas,
With our Savior, face to face?

I’ll ask Him to light your spirit,
As I tell Him of your love;
So then pray for one another,
As you lift your eyes above.

Please let your heart be joyful,
And let your spirit sing.
For I’m spending Christmas in Heaven,
And I’m walking with the King!

I know how much you miss me;
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I’m not so far away,
We really aren’t apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear,
And be glad I’m spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year.

I send you each a special gift
From my heavenly home above.
I send you each a memory
Of my undying love.

After all “love” is the gift,
More precious than pure gold.
It was always most important
In the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other
As my Father said to do,
For I can’t count the blessings
Or the love He has for you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
Wipe away that tear.
Remember I’m spending Christmas
With Jesus Christ this year!

-Author Unknown

We love you and will miss you like crazy this year at Christmas, but we know that you are with us every day!  Merry Christmas to our Christmas Angel! We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas up in heaven!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Your 1st Trip to the Aquarium

We went on a family outing to the aquarium a few days before Christmas this year!  It was your 1st trip to the aquarium and you LOVED everything about it!  Some of the highlights were the giant sea turtles (one of them was about to lay eggs and there was an employee who's job was to stand there 24/7 and watch for it to happen, pretty cool), taking pics in shark's mouth with mommy and daddy, standing in front of all the cool fish tanks, the hallway full of mirrors - you loved all the reflections (and looking at yourself!) and of course Scuba Santa! We had so much fun at the aquarium and plan on continuing this tradition for year's to come! 

So excited to see SCUBA Santa!

You would have stood like this for hours and watched all of the fish swim by!  You LOVED it!

Even though you don't look very happy in this pic, I promise you were having a blast!  I guess you didn't like having to stop looking at the fish to take a picture lol

You and daddy were scared of the mean crocodile!

The giant sea turtles were very friendly and photogenic!

"AHHH Daddy don't let the shark get me!:

"It's okay mommy, daddy told me his teeth were fake!"

"I'm not scared anymore!"


Having fun with mommy looking at yourself in the mirror!

Trying to get a close up(really close, close up) look at yourself!

Totally amazed by all the mirrors

My Favorite Things - Months 9 & 10

I know I'm behind on this, but now that you are on the move you keep me very busy.  I am not complaining one bit though, I wouldn't change it for the world.  

Here are a few of my favorite things from months 9 and 10....

  • Your smile!  I can't get enough of those smiles - you are the happiest baby that I have ever met and your smile lights up the room.  You wake up smiling, smile all day long, greet me with a smile when I pick you up from daycare, smile at Cooper when we get home, smile at your dad when he walks through the door, and smile  before I put you down to bed.  You literally smile all day long!  Keep smiling Addie girl :)
I LOVE getting pictures of that smile while I am at work!  It makes my day!

  • We had a blast celebrating your first Halloween this year.  We went as the Wizard of Oz (your dad's idea) and you were the most adorable Dorothy that I've ever seen.  
"Mommy, are you going to put some puffs in my basket now, I mean it is Halloween!"

  • I love how you could spend hours looking at yourself in the mirror, I mean your pretty cute so I don't blame you.  I could stare at you all day long!  You've finally figured out that little girl in the mirror is you and you smile and make faces at yourself in the mirror.  I've even gotten videos of you dancing in the mirror at daycare.  It's adorable!
Dance party in front of the mirror! Go Addie, go Addie, go Addie!  Dance your little heart out Addie girl!
  • Playtime has gone to a whole new level these days now that your mobile.  It is so much fun to watch you explore the world around you and I wish I knew what was going through your mind.  You play nonstop these days and I look forward to picking up your toys at the end of the night (I'm sure this will change) because that means that you are playing, learning, and growing and I wouldn't change it for the world!  
"Hello Aunt Kristen, will you promise to buy me my first car when I'm 16?  Pretty please!!!"

"Daddy this is cool and all, but when I'm on this side I can't play with all those cool things on the other side!"

"I'm checking my emails just like daddy!  Thanks for the laptop Uncle Keith, Aunt Kristie, Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox!"

"I'm just catching up on some of my favorite holiday books!"
  • I love that you are a daddy's girl.  No one can get you to smile like your daddy and you always save the best high-fives for him.  I can't wait you relationship with your dad continue to grow, I mean you've had him wrapped around your finger from the moment he laid eyes on you!
Daddy always gets the best nose scrunch smiles!  You've been a daddy's girl from day 1!  If you can't talk Aunt Kristen into buying you your first car, I'm sure daddy will!
  • These past 2 months you've become obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!  The second we turn it on, you drop what you are doing, turn around, and dance to the theme song.  It's so cute!
It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, come inside, it's fun inside!
  • I love to watch you and Coop!  Coop has enjoyed some new perks recently, I think he is the best fed dog in Virginia!  You even give up your cookies to him if he's around.  We've started having to put him up when you eat because if we don't you just feed him your entire meal.  We don't mind him eating the scraps but your little belly needs some food too!  Mealtime is not the only time you are obsessed with Coop.  The two of you also play.  He plays with your toys and you try to eat his.  He really is like a big brother to you and I love watching the two of you interact!
"Uh oh Coop, Mom's watching.  She's not going to be happy if I give you all of my food.  Distract her quick and I'll hook you up!"

Silly kids!
  • It has been so much fun to watch you test out so many new foods this month.  At your 9 month appointment we got the go ahead to give you almost anything (obviously there are still a few restrictions, but you know what I mean!)  I love to watch your reactions as you try something new!
"Hmm these chocolate chips pancakes are pretty good!  Thanks Pap!"
  • Dinnertime is such a fun time in the Harvell household (and a noisy time!)  As soon as we sit down to eat you start babbling, making noises, and sometimes screaming.  Your dad and I joke that you are just telling us about your day.  Sometimes you are so loud that we can't even get a word in!  It's okay though, we love hearing what you have to "say"!

"Can you believe that happened at school today, it was hilarious Dad!"
  • Bath time is always an experience.  You love every minute of it!  You splash, play with your toys, roll around, pull yourself up, and of course refuse to sit still.  You are a beach bum at heart and meant to be in the water, so we hope your love for the bath, pool, and ocean continues to grow in years to come!
Our little fish loving bath time!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas with the Steffanus Family

Typical family photo - being silly for the camera!
We had so much fun celebrating Christmas with your Uncle Keith, Aunt Kristie, and Cousins Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox this year.  They came to visit for the weekend and we spent Saturday night eating, opening presents, and hanging out.  We woke up Sunday morning and I cooked everyone a big breakfast, we played a few rounds of Maddox's new game, Spot It, we had some laughs, and then they were on their way.  It was so much fun having them in town and we hope to continue this tradition for years to come!

Now for the "normal" one!
All the cousins looking cute!  It will be our little secret as to how we got them all to smile ...hint hint:  It has something to do with Uncle Keith, a walrus, and a funny sound.

I love the candid shots too!

Maddox and Addie are so cute together, he gets her to laugh like no one else can and he just loves his "baby cousin!"

I can't get enough of those smiles!

Your uncle Keith, Aunt Kristie, and cousins Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox spoiled you to death this year!  You are one lucky girl!

Maddox loved his new game, we already played it 10 times.

.....and his new Thomas movie!

Now Addie can help me clean with her new vacuum cleaner!  Addie's favorite gift though was from her Aunt Kristie - it was a Rainbow bear from Build a Bear in memory of her Mom-mom.  Rainbow even had a special message from Mom-mom and a clip from Somewhere Over the Rainbow.  Addie loves it!

Rylan opening his new baseball bag that Uncle Eric picked out!
I was in charge of Samantha's gift and she got a new sweater and a scarf and necklace from Charming Charlies.