Saturday, August 27, 2016

You're ONE in a MELON Bella

Our SWEET little girl turned ONE and we had so much fun celebrating!  I love that Addie and Bella's birthdays are in opposite seasons (February vs. August) and we get to do a little bit of everything.  This year we went all SUMMER, watermelon theme, outdoor party at one of our favorite parks, yummy summer food, and bubble favors!

Bella, You're ONE in a MELON

Our SWEET little Bella bean, can you believe you are already ONE?  These days you are non-stop on the go, noise making, baby bouncing (your version of dancing) and sweet as can be with the cutest little toothless smile.  You love to do anything your big sister does and will steal her snack cup or sippy cup at any chance you get.  Bella bean, you truly are ONE in a MELON and we can't imagine our lives without you!  Happy birthday sweet girl, we love you to the moon and back!

The Details

Bella's watermelon themed birthday party was SO much fun to plan.  I kept it simple with a few banners, lots of red and green balloons, and of course lots of pictures of the birthday girl.  I saw a pallet board monthly picture display on Pinterest and fell in love, luckily Eric has about 100 pallet boards at work.  I had him bring one home, ended up putting some leftover stain on it because it was pretty dirty, added our ONE birthday banner that I made for her photo shoot, and just used twine and clothespins to hang her monthly pictures.  My other favorite details were her adorable little watermelon romper, high chair banner, watermelon cupcakes, and bubble favors.  Everything was cute, simple, and screamed summer and I loved seeing it all put together.

How cute are these invites?!? Who wouldn't want to come to her party?

How cute does the birthday girl look in her adorable romper, I love her little belly hanging out!
Bubble favors were a hit with the kids...and even some of the adults!

Our friends and family signed "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" as her birthday book, it's one of our favorite night time reads in our house!

Bella's 1st birthday chalkboard

The watermelon cupcakes turned out so adorable and the (FREE) smash cake from Harris Teeter was the perfect addition to our dessert menu.  It sure is SWEET to be ONE!

Cake Smashing

A first birthday party is not complete without a cake smash.  Your sister has been rehearsing "Happy Birthday to You" for weeks and has been trying to teach you how to blow out the candles, it was so cute.  Even though you didn't quite get the blowing out the candles thing, your big sis came to the rescue to help you out.  After we sang, we let you enjoy your cake, but it turns out you hated it!  You immediately stuck your hand in the red icing and put it all over your face - and that combined with the fact that it was already pretty much your be time - you were just not having it.  It's okay though, it still made for some adorable pictures and we didn't have any sugar rushes to deal with later.  In the words of your sister, "Maybe l

Opening Presents

Bella was a spoiled little girl on her birthday!  She is very lucky to have so many awesome friends and family members that know just how to make a 1 year old happy!  She got so many new toys that both her and Addie love, along with some adorable new additions to her wardrobe.

The Official Day

We spent your actual birthday in the Outer Banks on vacation and celebrated with birthday hats and cupcakes.  You finally got a little bit of a sweet tooth and enjoyed almost all of the chocolate icing off of your cupcake.  That's a wrap, until next year!

Happy birthday Bella bean, we love you to the moon and back!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Bella - From BABY to TODDLER

Bella, you've grown so much this past year.  Here's a look back from the very beginning...

Bella - 12 months

Weight - 18 pounds 4.5 ounces (7th percentile)
Length  28.4 inches (21st percentile)
Head - 46.5 centimeters (84th percentile)

Clothes: 12 months

Diapers: Size 3

You had your ONE year well check with Dr. Fink, can you believe you are a whole year old?!?  Even though you are my petite child, Dr. Fink isn't worried one bit.  He's happy with your progress and overall health.  We got the green light to try cow's milk and will be doing that soon, you never liked the bottle so maybe you will prefer cow's milk out of your sippy (or your sister's since you tend to love anything that's hers!)

You nurse about 3 times a day (morning, before your afternoon nap, and at bed time), but I think you will be weaning soon as you aren't as interested anymore.  When I think about being done nursing, it's bittersweet.  On one hand I'm excited, it's been about 3 years since I've been nursing and pregnant free!  On the other hand, it's just another sign that you are growing up and becoming a toddler.  I love the baby phase and even though I'm excited to watch you grow, it's a little sad.  On top of nursing you also eat 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks.  Some new things you've tried and loved are cheese, chicken, mac & cheese, and granola bars.  You continue to love bananas, blueberries, applesauce, yogurt, pouches, and any snack in your sister's snack cup!

On a typical day you wake up between 6:30-7, which is new and I am not a fan.  I don't mind waking up early, but I am much happier when there is a 7 instead of a 6 on my clock :)  Napping is kind of all over the place as it depends on our schedule for the day.  Most days you are still cat napping at some point, but sometimes you hold out until your afternoon nap.  I'm hoping to transition you to one, longer afternoon nap per day very soon.  Nap time is around 12:30 and you will sleep about 2 hours, sometimes longer.  Then, bed time is 7:30 and you sleep until the next morning.

You are super active these days and very rarely sit still.  You are very curious and love to crawl around and explore everything around you.  Singing, dancing, and clapping are some of your favorite things to do!  The Hot Dog song gets you going every single time!  We can't go anywhere without you waving to each and every person that walks by.  The Little Gym introduced you to sticks and you love to turn everything into a drum these days - straws, spoons, blocks, you name it!  You can't get enough of mommy, daddy, Addie, Cooper - and bubbles!  You got a lot of awesome new toys for your birthday and they are keeping both you and Addie busy these days!

Diaper changes, getting dressed, having your face wiped after eating, having something taken away from you, clean up time at the Little Gym

-We celebrated your FIRST birthday!
-You've started standing for a few seconds on your own, looks like we get to go shoe shopping soon :)
-Cruising here and there
-I'm starting to think your toothless smile will be around forever!
-Momma, Dada, and Bye are the words you spit out when your sister stops talking for a split second
-Your all about trying to be independent these days and have given using a spoon and brushing your hair your best shot.
-You've become a climber (thank you Little Gym) and love to climb on your anywhere chair, over top of any toys that are in your way, and even up one step.
-We went to the Outer Banks for your first family vacation.

I cannot believe you are officially ONE year old!  My baby Bella is now a toddler and it blows my mind!  I feel like just yesterday I was holding you in the hospital for the very first time and now here we are ONE whole year later.  My sweet little Bella bean you are so chill and laid back, I love it.  You give the best cuddles, hugs, and kisses and have the best toothless smile that I've ever seen!  I have loved watching your personality shine through these past couple of months and it amazes me how different you are from your sister.  You love to sit back and watch, taking everything in before giving something new a try.  When we first started at the Little Gym you were a little overwhelmed, but throughout the summer you've grown so much and I love to watch you take more risks and try new things.  I love how you watch and study your big sister's every move.  I've caught you coloring with the crayons at her easel, trying to build with the wooden blocks, and putting the letter block in the alphabet train just like she does.  You really do look up to her, even at such a young age!  I can't wait to continue to watch your bond grow even stronger as you both get older.  You are a momma's girl and I love how even in a room full of people you spot me and come after me :)  It will never get old!  Bella, you've really brought more love and joy to our family than you will ever know.  We love you to the moon and back Bella bean!

We had a blast celebrating your first birthday with family and friends!  We also got to spend a lot of time with family in the Outer Banks.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Happy 1/2 birthday Addie girl!

Time is flying by at lightning speed over here as we have a 2 1/2 year old and an (almost) ONE year old!  But, today is all about my first born - pizza loving, ketchup dipping, future Olympian, all around crazy Addie girl.  I absolutely love this age as every day is something new, a new word/expression, new dance move, or even a new way to push my buttons (yes, my sweet girl spends a lot of time in her time out chair these days!)  You are sassy and sweet, adventurous, outgoing, and full of energy ALL.DAY.LONG.  You have a new love for princesses ever since we went to "Mickey's house" and you break out in song at the best times.  You can recite a song for almost any situation throughout the day, thank you Daniel Tiger!  Some of my favorite things you say are "hold you" "ice cream and sprinklers please" and "Cheers!"  It cracks me up how you ask Bella a million questions a day and you've even started answering them for her.  I'll be sitting in the car and I hear "Bella, do you want chicken and cheese Bella?  Yes, Bella.  Okay, Bella.  Mommy, Bella wants chicken and cheese too."  Luckily, Bella thinks it's hilarious and goes along with your crazy antics, at least for now!  I hope you always laugh and smile as much in a day as you do right now and I cannot wait to see you continue to learn and grow.  Addie, you are intelligent, creative, the best big sister to Bella and I am so lucky to call you my daughter.  Addie, you will always hold a special place in my heart as you were the one who made all of my dreams come true by making me a mom, which is by far my favorite job in the whole world.  Happy 1/2 birthday sweet Addie girl - let's celebrate today with some ice cream and sprinklers :)

Addie's 30 month stats:
Length - 38.2 inches - 94th percentile
Weight - 32 pounds - 81st percentile
Head - 51.5 centimeters - 99th percentile