Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Bella - 10 months

Weight - 16 pounds 11 oz (10th percentile)
Length Head - next update at 12 months

Clothes:  9 & 12 months

Diapers: Size 3

We went back for your weight check and you gained 11 ounces since our last visit.  Dr. Fink was pleased and we aren't scheduled to go back until your 12 month well check.  Other than a runny nose here and there, you've been a happy and healthy little girl this month.

Although you are still nursing, I think you are weaning yourself a bit now that you eat a lot more solids.  You love blueberries and bananas, sweet potatoes and avocado are also favorites, along with just about any type of carb.  I try to give you small pieces of part of what we are eating for dinner and you love it! Lately, you've been loving pouches and they are great for our picnics at the park or on the beach - a lot less messy!  You are making progress with the sippy cup too!

On a normal day, you wake up between 6-7 to nurse, depending on the time and day sometimes you go back down to sleep and sometimes you are up for the day.  You usually take a short nap on the go in the morning and then sleep for about 2 hours in the afternoon from 1-3.  Bedtime is around 7:30 every night.

You are a busy little girl now that you are on the move!  You love to sit and play with your toys, you have a blast in your float at the pool, and you are curious about every little thing around you.  Some of your favorite toys are the alphabet train and Leapfrog school bus with letter magnets.  Nobody makes you laugh as hard as your sister and as soon as you hear music you start to dance.  Addie loves to play peek-a-boo with you and we are trying to teach you "so big!"  Addie really does think she is your second mom and loves to try to teach you things, it's adorable.  You babble and blow bubbles all day long, between you and your sister there is very rarely a quiet moment in our house.  You are my little snuggle bunny and as soon as you wear yourself out from playing there's no where you would rather be than mommy's arms.

We are officially in the stranger danger phase.  You are okay as long as you can see mommy, but as soon as I leave your sight you get upset.  You are not a fan of green vegetables, but luckily I can still sneak them in without you noticing.

-You are on the move - you have the best army crawl around!
-You've started mimicking what we do, your favorites are bouncing up and down or "dancing" and waving hi.
-I'm going to officially say that "Mama" was your first word.  You look at me when you say it (sometimes), plus Addie said Dada first, so I'm glad you gave me Mama.
-You are our little peanut, but you are getting stronger.  I think you will be pulling yourself up any day now.
-Still no teeth, but you can gum just about anything!
-We started classes at the Little Gym and you absolutely love it!
-We spent Memorial Day weekend at the Outer Banks with friends.
-We celebrated your first Father's Day with a fun family day at the beach.

Bella, you are such a sweet, laid back little girl and I love it.  Don't get me wrong though, you are becoming more mischievous now that you are on the move.  At the beach, you are determined to eat as much sand as possible and if I take something away from you, you turn right around and go after it.  Even though you keep me on my toes, life is so much fun with you right now.   I'm trying to soak up every moment of my "baby" because I feel like before I know it you will take the jump to "toddler."  Plans for your first birthday are already in the works, can you believe it?  It seems like just yesterday we were holding you for the first time in the hospital.  We love you to the moon and back Bella bean, but can you just stay little forever?!?

Chris, Abby, and your cousin Jake came to visit and meet you for the first time.  Mommy went out of town which meant you spent your first weekend apart - Daddy did a great job taking care of you and Addie though!

Friday, June 10, 2016


It turns out Eric had more up his sleeve for my 30th - I guess a beach trip and the best gift ever of a clean house wasn't enough in his mind!  I have been beyond spoiled for my birthday this year and this just topped it off.  A fun night spent with my friends and surprise family visitors was the perfect way to celebrate.  I am one lucky girl :)