Wednesday, September 14, 2016


I can literally not say enough good things about the Little Gym.  We've been going for 3 summers now and it's been the best summer treat for us all, year after year!  This year was Addie's 3rd summer season and she was in the Beast class and Bella was a first timer in the Birds class.  Not only do they both have fun and make new friends, but they grow LEAPS and BOUNDS while doing pun intended ;)  It was especially fun this year because it was the perfect opportunity for Eric and I to have some one on one time with both Addie and Bella, which I think is so important.   Here's a quick look at some of the fun we've had this summer at the LG...

At the beginning of the summer, Addie was super excited to go back to the Little Gym.  She is definitely my more outgoing child, always willing to take a risk.  I'm convinced the girl is a monkey too, so what better place to hang upside down than in a padded room!  She is also a social butterfly and although she isn't always a fan of taking turns, her class full of 15 or so kids was perfect for her! Addie literally JUMPED right in on day one and never looked back!

The beginning of the summer was a little different for Bella.  Bella is a little more timid.  She likes to sit back and watch before trying something new and is also very mommy attached.  The new place and new people were a lot to take in at first, plus I think she was the youngest in the class.  Class by class I saw her break out of her shell though and get more comfortable, which was awesome.  

This was the first summer we took advantage of the practice time.  One of Addie's best friends also goes to class there so it was fun for them to hang out and dance during open gym.  The summer is less crowded for the Little Gym, so open gym is for all parent-child classes, which meant Addie and Bella were at the same time!  That on top of the fact that there is a Starbucks a few doors down, kids use up there energy at the same time that momma refuels, I think that's a win-win for everyone!

We had so much fun at the Little Gym ice cream social - I think this is where Addie's obsession of ice cream and "sprinklers" officially began.  She literally asks for ice cream and "sprinklers" for every. single. meal.  Bella may or may not have even snuck a bite of her big sis' treat!

By the end of the summer, both girls hit some major milestones!  Addie has now turned everything into a balance beam and will even walk across the big balance beam all by herself.  HUGE!  She also has perfected her somersault.  Cleaning up is no longer a battle at home as long as we sing the Little Gym song, which is life changing!  

Oh and she still loves hanging upside down, nothing new there ;)

Little Miss Bella is like a whole new child!  Not only has she learned how to crawl, stand up on her own, and assisted walk, but she has developed such confidence while doing so.  By the end of the summer, she was smiling and dancing right along to the music and even exploring independently.  She has also become an expert bubble popper!

Thank you Little Gym for providing such a happy and safe environment for my kiddos and for another amazing summer of serious fun!  Until next time...