Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Noah - Month 9

Here are your numbers:
WEIGHT: 20 pounds ( 53rd percentile)
LENGTH:  28 inches (29th percentile)
HEAD:  47 centimeters (93rd percentile)

-using your pincer grasp like a pro!
-Sporting a fresh new do!  You got your first haircut this month :)
-Giving the sweetest, slobbery, mouth wide open kisses and it's adorable
-The best eater in the fam, by far!  You'll try just about any fruit or vegetable that I put in front of you, I wish I could say the same about your sisters.
-wearing 6-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers

This month started out strong as we were dodging the ever nasty flu that was spreading like wildfire all around us.  Unfortunately, sickness did hit our household - 2 days before we had family coming into town for Addie's 4th birthday party.  Luckily, it was not flu.  You got your first, not single, but double ear infection and it was so sad.  You spiked a fever as high as 105 and you were just pitiful and I felt helpless.  It took 2 trips to the pediatrician, 4-5 solid days and sleepless nights, and a change in antibiotics before you started feeling like yourself again.  I was so happy to see it go and so happy to have my smiling, laughing little boy back.

We also had your 9 month well check.  Dr. Fink is happy with your progress, you are a growing boy and developing right on track.  I would like to focus on your gross motor skills over the next couple of weeks.  I know all babies learn and develop at a different pace, but I am starting to get a little concerned that you are interested in crawling or pulling up yet.  Dr. Fink said not to worry, we will keep an eye on you and hopefully you will be right on track by your 12 month well check.

Not much has changed, you still have the same feeding schedule as last month.  The development of your pincer grasp has made table food so much easier - now if we can just work on some teeth!  Most days, you drink about 24 oz of formula, 5-6 jars of baby food, and table food/snacks too.  We are still working on the sippy cup, right now you think it's more of a toy than part of your meal.

We've struggled with sleep this past month, mainly because you were sick.  Those couple of nights were ROUGH.  The night before Addie's 4th birthday was the worst, I think I spent more hours rocking and soothing a sick baby than actually sleeping.  Then, ever since then it's like we can't get our rhythm back.  Most nights you are up once (but even the time is all over the board), some nights its 2-3 times, and there has even been a time or two you completely slept through the night (oh how I would love more of those nights!)  I would love some consistency in this area, think you could help me out buddy?

You love being outside and out and about, you are Mr. Social and make a friend every where we go.  You are a happy camper sitting on the floor with your bin of toys.  You think your sisters are hilarious and so entertaining, it's probably part of the reason you aren't mobile yet.  Puffs are another one of your favorite things, you get excited the second you see that yellow container.  You do not like being sick, having a poopy diaper, or sitting still to get dressed.  

We are officially 3/4 of the way through your first year and I can't believe it.  You've officially been on the "outside" as long as you were on the "inside" which is just crazy to me.  Time is absolutely FLYING by and I've loved every second of watching you learn and grow these past 9 months.  You are so easy going and happy 99% of the time.  Your toothless smile and baby giggles make my day, every single day.  Life is so much sweeter with you in it and we cannot get enough of you, Noah Ryan.  

-You got your first haircut this month and you were so cute sitting in Daddy's lap at the barber shop.  I love your new do, it makes me a little sad how big it makes you look though.
-We had so much fun celebrating Addie's 4th birthday.  It was a busy weekend of activities and you were such a trooper given the fact that you were fighting your double ear infection.
-I love your kisses.  You go all out - grab my face, open mouth, and all.  It's a slobbery kiss that I'll never get sick of.
-Love was in the air and we celebrated your first Valentine's Day.  We had a fun play date at our friend's house and on Valentine's Day you had a date at home with me while your Dad took out your sisters.