Monday, June 11, 2018

Noah - Month 12

Here are your numbers:
WEIGHT: 22 pounds ( 61st percentile)
LENGTH:  29.5 inches (34th percentile)
HEAD:  47.5 centimeters (86th percentile)

-The best scooter I ever did see :)
-proudly showing off your bottom 2 teeth at any chance you get.
-The most chill beach and pool babe, you love the sand, water, and cruising in your pool float
-saying quite a few words, "bye, bye" is your newest obsession
-being super flexible with our weekly house hopping while we wait on our new house to get finish being built.  It's crazy that you and your sisters won't even remember this crazy summer of moving around, but boy it's been an adventure to say the least.
-The cutest little dancer and happily join in with your sisters any time you hear a song from Trolls or Sing.
-Completely obsessed with Mickey Mouse - Mickey Mouse is your boy!
-wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers

Unfortunately, this month has brought another double ear infection for my poor little guy.  We have an appointment with ENT in July and I see some tubes in your future.  We had your 12 month well check and Dr. Fink confirmed that other than your poor ears you are a happy, healthy little boy.  

I'm not sure if you love to eat food or throw food more, not a huge deal when Cooper is around, but not my favorite hobby when he isn't.  At 12 months, you are eating 3 meals a day with a few snacks in between, along with usually 2-3 bottles.  I probably won't work on weaning you from the bottle until we move into the new house because if it's something that gives you comfort during all of this chaos I'm totally fine with it.  I've tried giving you whole milk a few times and you aren't really a fan, but we will continue to work on it.  

You continue to be an awesome sleeper, even with our crazy moving around and lack of an actual routine most of the time.  You are flexible and even though you do get fussy when you are tired, it's a very doable fussy and nothing we can't handle.  You have been waking up most nights around 5am  or so but I'm not going to stress about it right now, usually after a quick bottle you will fall back asleep until 7-8am.  Most days, you are just taking 1 longer nap each day and I like that you can usually be stretched until 1 or 2 if needed and will sleep for 3 hours or so.  You are ready for bed each night around 7pm. 

You love balls and will play fetch on your own for hours at a time if I let you.  Being outside - at the pool, beach, or park is your favorite thing in the world.  You love any type of animal and point in excitement as soon as you see it.  The "Hot Dog Song" always brings out your best dance moves and your sisters always get your best giggles.  You absolutely hate long car rides and by long I mean anything longer than about 10 minutes, which is not fun.  You are also not a fan of taking antibiotics for your ear infections, but I don't blame you because it's pretty gross.  

We love your laid back, easy going personality.  You are so content, almost all of the time (unless you have an ear infection!)  You greet any and every one you see with a smile and get attention pretty much anywhere we go.  These days you are much more aware of your surroundings and get excited at the littlest things.  I love watching you take it all in and I wish I could read your mind as you do it.  You are my favorite (almost) ONE year old out there! How is it even possible that you are almost ONE!?! I literally feeling like we were just bringing you home from the hospital yesterday.  But, with your upcoming birthday, not only is that a huge milestone in itself, but it also means your Dad and I kept 3 kids 4 and under alive and happy for almost a whole year.  High fives all around!  We even managed to keep our sanity (most of the time.)  In all honestly, we've got a good thing going these days and even though it's completely crazy at times, I've learned to love the crazy.  Life is too short and goes by way too fast to do anything but embrace the crazy and we couldn't imagine our crazy without you in it!  We love you Noah Ryan and as you continue to shed your babiness for all things toddler, we are just so so happy that we get to come along for the ride.  Happy 11 months sweet boy, the countdown to your birthday has officially begun...

-We celebrated your FIRST birthday with the most adorable baseball themed party.  We rented a big beach house in Sandbridge and Grandma, Pap, and the rest of our family and friends came to help us celebrate!  More details to follow...
-We also celebrated Mother's Day that same weekend.  We enjoyed a day at the beach and by the pool, followed by a yummy steak and shrimp dinner, my fave!  
-We said our goodbyes to the home we brought you and your sisters home to for the first time.  It was very bittersweet.  We made so many wonderful memories at Bulrush Court, but are excited to start a new chapter in our new home.