Monday, August 27, 2018

You're ONE Noah Ryan

Our favorite little rookie turned ONE and we celebrated his first home run with the coolest baseball themed baseball party on the block.  Since we were still waiting on our new house to be complete, we decided to rent a beach house in Sandbridge for the occasion.  We invited a few of our close family and friends and celebrated with a pool party complete with the most perfect baseball themed concessions.  

My sweet friend made a delicious baseball themed cake with the most adorable little matching smash cake for Noah.  The cake smash is always one of my favorite parts about a first birthday.  I love watching the little ones explore their sweet treat, watching to see if he or she will dive right in or get stage fright when given the spot light.  I will have to say, Noah's reaction surprised me for sure.  He didn't go at it and make a complete mess (like sister #1) and he didn't cry in the spotlight and want no part of it (like sister #2) but he fell somewhere in the middle, kind of like how his personality has been through this first year of his life.  He did enjoy a few bites of cake and icing, but was slow and steady and even a little poker face at times.  All in all, the cake smash was a success and his poker face was the cutest poker face I've ever seen!

After the cake, our little birthday boy opened his presents while the rest of the kids ran around on sugar highs.  We gave each kid their own baseball bat and ball as a party favor and that was a wrap!  We had a BALL at Noah's birthday themed party.   It was the perfect evening celebrating the most perfect little boy.