Friday, January 11, 2019

Addie's HALF Birthday

Addie, we celebrated your HALF birthday back in August, but hey life's been a little crazy over here.  I like to write little updates every 6 months because I feel like you change so much in just a short amount of time.  Addie, at 4 1/2 (ok maybe weeks from being 5) you are confident, out going, and always keep us on our toes.  You are FULL of personality, you love BIG and are the happiest when you are surrounded by people, especially your friends and family.  You are a social butterfly and you make a friend pretty much every where we go (and at this point are usually inviting them over to our house for a sleepover, which is a little awkward when you've known them for 5 seconds.)  

The past 6 months were a little crazy in our house with the move, but you handled it like a champ.  It was a 3 month long vacation in your eyes and you were so happy to be spending your days by the beach or at Grandma and Pap's house, but at night you broke our hearts a little bit when you would cry and ask to go home to your bed.  You are easy going and flexible, but still like routine in your life.  It was worth the wait though and you are loving everything about our new house and our new neighborhood.  We have the nicest families and tons and tons of kids right outside our door, which is amazing.  You could spend hours riding your scooter and just playing outside with your friends.  

Another highlight right now is school.  You are in the 4 year old panda class and you love it.  You ask every single day if you can go and always proudly hop in the car at the end of the day to tell me what you learned or a new song you sang.  I always hear a play by play of what you did on the playground and you always make sure you show me how you can count in French.  We started your second year of ballet in September and you are so happy to be in Miss Olivia's class again with some of your buddies from last year.  You are a girly girl at heart and are constantly playing dress up and twirling around the house.  You have the absolute best imagination and will play house or restaurant for hours, you even have Bella playing her part.  I love to sit upstairs in the hallway and listen to the little conversations the 2 of you have, there's a lot of little arguments between the two of you these days (hopefully it's just a phase, a short one) but also lots of sweet conversations too.   The big sister role is serious in  your eyes and you are always looking out for Bella and Noah.  They have a second little mommy following them around :)  You love all things princess and ask to go to Disney pretty much on a daily basis.  Pancakes, pizza, ranch and ketchup are probably your favorite foods - you are a condiment girl for sure.  You would drink chocolate milk all day long if I let you, but you have at least tried some new foods lately so I'll take it.  

Addie, you are smart, beautiful, and the most perfect little 4 year old.  I love watching  you learn and grow and seeing your personality continue to shine through.  I can't believe kindergarten is in our near future, time needs to slow down.  I will be over here soaking up all the crazy moments and trying to figure out how to keep you little forever :)  We love you and the little lady you are becoming Addie girl!