Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Bella Beans 1/2 birthday

Our little Bella bean turned 3 1/2 a few months ago and here's a little update on her...
-She is s obsessed with superheroes, the color red, and would eat waffles and Chick-fil-a all day long if I let her!  She much prefers her tshirt, shorts, and "faster shoes" vs. her twirl dress loving sister and I love how comfortable and confident she is in her own skin.  She is 100% her own little person and couldn't be more opposite than Addie.  She is smart, strong, and very soft spoken the majority of the time, but she's also a girl who knows what she wants and how to get it - that she gets Eric's mom and we love that about her!
-Bella has the sweetest little group of preschool and neighborhood buddies.  She asks daily to go to Claire's house, counts down the days until she gets to play at soccer with Emmett, and loves hanging out in the cul de sac with Brady. 
-Bella recently completed ISR swim lessons with Miss Sam and mastered the swim-float-swim sequence.  Since then she has become a fish in the pool, swimming completely on her own in the shallow end and loving playing games with her big sister Addie.
-Bella loves to be outside!  She is constantly digging in the dirt and helping Daddy water the flowers in the backyard.  She loves her scooter, bounce house, and playing at the playground - until she spots a bug.  She's not a fan of bugs right now!
-Bella has such a sweet tooth (just like her mama!)  She loves ice cream and asks to go to sweet frog on a daily basis.  She is the slowestttt ice cream eater ever though as she savors every single bite!
-She is doing amazing in her Owls 3 year old preschool class with Ms. Tanya and Ms. Ellen.  She is learning her letters, shapes, and how to spell her name.  
-We've started going to speech therapy once a week and will pause over the summer and continue in the fall when school starts again.  I've already noticed a difference and although it is challenging at times I like knowing that we are giving her the tools she needs in order to be successful at such an early age.  
-You remind us daily that you are a "BIG SISTER" to Noah and yes you are.  You are no longer our little baby Bella bean, I feel like we've blinked and you've become a kid.  You are always trying to hang with the big kids and mother Noah in Addie's absence.  It will be quite the adjustment for you (and me) when our Addie girl starts full day kindergarten in the fall but I am excited to see you step into that big sister role and see you shine :)
-Right now your favorite things include lions, superheroes, and Lightning McQueen.  You love the pool, beach, and riding your scooter.  You are still a momma's girl and you are not a fan when I leave you for whatever reason, but you work through it.  You also dislike trying new things, vegetables, and bugs.

We love you Bella bean and I cannot believe you are almost FOUR!  You are our sweetest little girl, but fiercely your own person and we love that about you.  Happy half birthday Bella bean :)