Wednesday, November 13, 2019

ROAR! Bella you're FOUR!

ROAR!  Bella you're FOUR and we celebrated with the most perfect birthday party with all of your favorite things...lions, swimming, cake, and chick-fil-a.  We invited some of your best buddies over for an afternoon of fun and it was extra special because Grandma and Pap came too.  We ate a yummy lunch of chick-fil-a nuggets and we introduced all of the adults to "Pittsburgh style" salads, which is just cobb salads topped with french fries...yum!  After we fed the "animals" we went outside to swim followed by cupcakes for the birthday girl.  It was an afternoon all about YOU and you had the absolute best time.  As our friends left, we handed out animals with the cutest little party hats as the party favors.  Happy birthday Bella bean, we love you and your little ROAR to the moon and back!