Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pink or Blue?

One of the highlights of our pregnancy was when we found out if you were a BOY or GIRL.   Throughout the first trimester, I read every single old wives tale there was out there to try to predict your gender.  According to your heart beat, the amount of morning sickness I had (I was sick ALL of the time!), cravings, and frequent breakouts you were a girl.  You were also a girl every time I had a crazy pregnancy dream, so I was pretty convinced - Team Pink.  Your dad on the other hand was Team Blue.  When we had our 20 week ultra sound you were far from cooperative.  You had your legs crossed and you were not moving not matter what we did (and this wasn't the first ultra sound that you didn't cooperate for, you were stubborn from Day 1 - I wonder who you get that from?)  The technician finally had me get up to walk around and use the restroom, we were going to try one more time to see if we could get you to budge.  Your dad and I looked away, and the technician FINALLY said, "There IT is, I got it!"  and for obvious reasons "IT" immediately meant Team Blue to your dad.  Boy or Girl, we were just excited that we would finally find out in just a few short days at our Gender Reveal Party in Pittsburgh.

Team Blue

Team Pink

After the 1st quarter of the Steeler game, it was time to cut the cake!  Everyone gathered around in their pink and blue for the big reveal!  We even had the iPad set up front and center so that your NC family could join in on the fun.  All of a sudden, I got really nervous!  It really didn't matter to me if you were a girl or a boy, but I knew within moments it would really hit me.  I was going to be a mom and it was going to become so much more real and I couldn't wait!  Your dad and I slowly put the knife through the cake....

It's a girl!

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