Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Addison, you had a lot of people very excited to meet you and wish you a happy birthday at the hospital!  Your dad and I were very lucky to be able to share this very special experience with our family from near and far.  On the day you were born, your Grandma and Pap Castello traveled all the way from Pittsburgh to meet you, Uncle Brian and Carla came from Washington D.C, Aunt Kristen flew in from Ohio, and your Mom-Mom and Bob-Bob traveled from Raleigh.

The whole crew hanging out at the hospital

Your Pap is going to spoil you to death, make sure you get some pointers from your cousin Bryan!  You are his first granddaughter and you had him wrapped around your finger from the moment he laid his eyes on your for the very first time.

Your very proud Grandma holding you for the very first time.  She spent the first week at home with us to help us take care of you and was extremely helpful.  She did our laundry, cleaned, ran errands, and cooked for us every night.

Your other very proud Grandma, Mom-Mom Harvell.  We were very happy that Raleigh ended up getting a huge snow storm the week that you were born, which forced your Mom-Mom to spend a few extra days getting to know you.

Bob-Bob also got snowed in with us for a few extra days!

Your Mom-Mom and Bob-Bob have loved you to pieces from the second they saw you!

It took your Uncle Brian a little while to adjust to holding a newborn.  He was very afraid that he would hurt you or break you the first time he held you, so he remained seated the entire time.  You are going to love your goofy Uncle Brian!  Just an FYI for the future, there are NO monsters in Pap and Grandma's house, not matter what your Uncle Brian tries to tell you.

This is your Uncle Brian's girlfriend, Carla, who also made the trip down from D.C.  She keeps your uncle in line so it's always nice to have her around.  She was very excited to meet you for the very first time!

Your uncle Brian and Carla getting some Addie time, maybe a glimpse into the future for them - you would like more cousins some day right?

Your Uncle Brian being silly with your Boppy.

Your Aunt Kristen could not wait to meet you!  Originally, she was not supposed to visit until the last weekend of February, but she could not miss your birthday.  Since we had a scheduled c-section she decided to fly in on your birthday and leave the next day in order to get back to her classes.  She will definitely be your "cool Aunt" who let's you do things that your mom and dad don't, so you are going to love her to death!

Your Pap, Uncle Brian, and Carla being silly!

The day after you were born some of my co-workers came to visit.  I teach 5th grade with Brianna, Nicole, Pam, and Julie and they were very excited to meet you (plus I couldn't wait to show you off!)

Hanging out with Brianna, my cottage buddy at school.
Even with all of the visitors, you always saved some cuddles for your dad and I.  Some of our favorite memories from the hospital were when everyone went home, the room was quiet, and it was just the 3 of us.  We loved our new family, you were a dream come true and we can't wait to create even more memories together as a family.

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