Thursday, August 14, 2014

Addie - Month 6

Weight: 18 lbs (76th percentile)
Length: 27 1/4 inches (88th percentile)
Head: 45 cm (98th percentile)
Sadly, your 6 month clothes are officially packed away.  9 month clothes are a perfect fit for you right now!  When I was in the process of transferring your clothes, I realized that we had very little clothing options 6+ months - which meant we got to go shopping!  Now you have plenty of adorable outfits for when you start "school" at the end of the month.  You'll be the most stylish baby there!

Size 3





We went to see Dr. Fink for your 6 month well check and you are one very happy, healthy baby!  You absolutely loved laying on the table and looking at yourself in the mirror!  Plus, there were so many other cool things to look at...and you even got a new book from Dr. Fink because they are part of a program that encourages reading to young children.  Luckily, you already love it when your Dad or I read to you!  We read books together a couple times a day - did you expect anything less when your mom's a teacher!?

Dr. Fink was very pleased with how your flat spot has rounded out and it is no longer a concern.  We discussed your sleeping and eating habits, the major milestones that you met since we saw him last, and he warned me that you will probably get sick a few times when you start daycare.  Your appointment ended with 2 shots, 1 in each thigh.  You screamed, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the last time.  The good news is that you will only get 1 shot at your 9 month well visit!

You absolutely love eating solids!  Nowadays, more food finally makes it into your mouth versus all over your face.  You have mastered the technique by opening your mouth when your ready, swallowing it, and you usually fuss when it takes me too long to give you the next bite!  This month you have tried bananas, prunes, squash, avocado, and peas.  Your favorites are squash and avocado!  Your least favorite is peas.  Every time I gave you a bite you shook your head, made a face, and spit it out.  I got the funniest video of you doing it too!

Right now you nurse when you wake up around 7, followed by solids for breakfast around 8.  I usually give you 2 cubes of fruit mixed with cereal in the morning.  You are still nursing about every 3 hours or so depending on how long/when you are napping.  I usually nurse you around 5, followed by another round of solids for dinner.  At dinner you usually eat 3 cubes of vegetables.  Then, you nurse 1 more time when I put you to bed for the night.

"Uncle Brian and Carla told me about this pink stuffed bunny..."
"Where the heck is that bunny?"


After many sleepless nights and one tired baby last month, I was determined to figure out how to help you fix the problem and I would say we were pretty successful!  You have been a much better sleeper this month, which make for a much happier baby and a much happier momma!  Last month, I knew you were tired, but you needed help learning how to fall asleep and then stay asleep throughout the night.  I bought Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child and it was very helpful!  We've moved your bedtime earlier, we typically start our routine around 7ish, sometimes a little earlier and sometimes a little later depending on your mood.  We give you a bath, read a few books, and I nurse you to sleep.  You are going to bed at night without any problems and you stay asleep all night (for the most part.)  Occasionally, you will wake up in the middle of the night, but you fuss for a few minutes and then put yourself back to sleep!  You wake up around 7 every morning and are one happy, well-rested baby!

Naps are a whole other story.  I would say we are making progress though!  I've tried to follow your cues, but also put you a little more on a schedule this month.  Some days you do great, some days you spend more time crying than sleeping.  We attempt 2-3 naps per day.  You go down for your first nap between 9-10 and this is by far your best nap of the day.  You usually sleep 1-2 hours and it is amazing!  You wake up recharged with a smile on your face!  I put you down for your afternoon nap between 12-2 depending on when you woke up from your morning nap.  You put up more of a fight during this one.  We always follow the same routine.  As soon as I notice that you are getting tired we go upstairs and read 2-3 books with your paci and lovey.  Then, I rock you for 10-15 minutes.  If you don't fall asleep I lay you down in your crib anyways.  Sometimes you put yourself to sleep, sometimes you cry instead.  If you are not asleep after an hour I get you up and we try again for a late afternoon nap.  If you do nap it's usually a much shorter nap than your morning nap and when you get up you are awake until bedtime.

I'm a little nervous about your sleeping habits because you start daycare at the end of the month and it's not going to be the same.  Right now, you nap in your dark, quiet room and it's still a struggle sometimes.  I'm worried that you are constantly going to be overtired and cranky at daycare.  I'm not going to be there to soothe you to sleep and it breaks my heart to think about you being upset all day while I am at work.  I'm hoping you adjust quickly and continue to be your happy, smiley self!

"YAYYY!  You found it...celebrity shot for the pink bunny!"

"Hey, that bunny just hopped onto my head.  Silly bunny!"

We started going to the "Little Gym" this month and you absolutely love it!  You smile and squeal the entire time we are there and it is so fun to watch you play and interact with other "bugs" your age.  Some of your favorite things to do during class is play with the shakers, grab at the bubbles, and you love all the flipping around and hanging upside down that we do, maybe you'll be a gymnast one day who knows?

You love playing the water, you splash and kick at the pool and in the bath tub these days.  We have to be careful these days because you are constantly grabbing at everything, our cell phones, my cup, remote control, our dinner... you name it and you try to get it...and eat it!  We've learned that you are particularly fond of red solo cups (read below for more details!)  Recently, you have become more interested in petting Cooper.  And eating solids is another one of your favorite pastimes...unless it's peas of course.  You want nothing to do with those!

You are not a fan of getting your face wiped off when you are done eating.  Afternoon naps also aren't your thing.  I can't figure out why you hate them so much, I would love to sleep for an hour or two in the middle of the day.  
"Hey, have you met my other friend, the pink bunny?"
"Don't worry, you're still my favorite!"

"Wait, I can have 2 favorites?  Really?"

We've hit 2 major milestones this month while we were in the Outer Banks with everyone.  Yes, that's right you had your first family vacation this month (more posts about that coming soon!)  First, you rolled from back to front when you were hanging out with Grandma (you had mastered front to back a while back.)  And we FINALLY got a laugh!!!  An all out, baby giggle and it was amazing!  Aunt Kristen was playing with you in your baby pool at the beach and she put a red solo cup (it was clean and empty I promise!) on your head.  You thought it was hilarious and couldn't get enough of it!   Maybe you were just holding out on us until you had an audience this whole time!  Your dad and I were there, Aunt Kristen, Grandma, Pap, Uncle Brian, and Carla all got to hear it and it's a sound that we will never forget!  A few other updates - You are getting better at sitting up and can do it for a few seconds on your own before you topple over, 

We can't believe that you are 6 months old already, time sure does fly by!  I feel like it was just yesterday that your dad and I saw you for the very first time and now here you are sitting up on your own (almost), eating solids, and playing with your own toys!  Being a parent has been so much fun these days!  Don't get me wrong, I loved snuggling you all day long during the newborn phase, but 6 months is pretty awesome too!  You are super playful and interested in EVERYTHING and we absolutely love it.

We love you Addie girl!  Happy 1/2 Birthday :)

This month we spent a week in the Outer Banks with Pap, Grandma, Uncle Brian, Carla, and Aunt Kristen.

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