Monday, September 1, 2014

Goodbye Summer

Today is Labor Day, the official last day of summer.  It's always tough to go back to work after a fun-filled summer vacation, but it's 10 times harder this year.  The end of summer vacation means that I will have to return to my classroom and Addie will start spending her days in her new classroom aka daycare.

As I sit here and reflect on this summer, I just do not want it to all!  Yes, I know that going back to work is necessary at this time to help provide for my family.  Yes, I know that Addie is young and won't even remember that her mommy was at work.  Yes, I know that she is going to love spending time with other kids her age at daycare.  Yes, I know all of those things...but it still sucks!

Our first summer as a family of 3 (okay, 4 - Cooper counts too!) was absolutely amazing.  Even though sleeping in was pretty much non-existent and our trips to the beach were few and far between, I wouldn't trade it for the world!  I looked forward to and cherished the little things this summer....that's kind of what being a parent does to you.  I am completely obsessed with my little girl and I cannot get enough of her.  Being on summer vacation meant that I could spend every minute of every day cherishing the little things...and that is exactly what I did!  I loved waking up in the morning, even if it was 7am, and seeing Addie grin from ear to ear when I walked in her room.  I looked forward to our daily walks around the neighborhood, sometimes they were the only time we left the house at I was completely okay with that.  Even on gorgeous summer days, I loved sitting in Addie's nursery, reading to her, and rocking her to sleep in the middle of the day.  Changing diapers, wiping up spit-up, and rocking her in the middle of the night even became some of my favorite pastimes.  Being a mom changes you and I have realized this summer that we just need to slow down, look around, and appreciate the little things! 

Goodbye Summer of 2014 (my favorite summer so far)  hello Fall...bring on the cooler weather, football season, and pumpkin flavored everything.

Love this girl (and her new hair-do) to pieces
Our big girl sitting up all by herself and playing with her toys.

Mommy and Addie selfie

Daddy and Addie on our end of summer "family day."  We went to the lake for a walk and to play on the playground and ended our day at the pool.  It was a blast!

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