Friday, November 6, 2015

A Pumpkin Patch Visit Times 3

We had a so much fun taking the girls to the pumpkin patch this year that we decided to go back 3 times!  The funny thing about it is that even though we were there multiple times, we never even bought 1 pumpkin - we ended up getting our pumpkins at Home Depot!  Every time we went we had full intention of purchasing some pumpkins for the girls, but between meltdowns and it getting close to lunch time for Addie and feeding time for Bella, we always left in a hurry and therefore, forgot the pumpkins.  Even without the pumpkins, Addie had a lot of fun running around and checking everything out.  Bella enjoyed snuggling up close with mommy in the Ergo!  Our first stop of the season was Bergey's which is located close by in Chesapeake.  We went there on a beautiful Saturday afternoon and had fun walking around, petting the animals, and even enjoyed some delicious ice cream before we left.  Our second pumpkin patch was during the week for a play date with Addie's friends at Hickory Ridge, again close by in Chesapeake.  They had a great little toddler area and the Little Tike cars and play houses were a hit (taking pictures of course was not!)  Our last pumpkin patch of the year was in Pittsburgh on a chilly afternoon with Aunt Kristen.  We went on our first hayride of the season in Pittsburgh and Addie thinks everything that moves these days is a train, so we heard a lot of "choo-choo's".  Addie loved the playground and had fun swinging back and forth in the field.  Although we were 0 for 3 when it came to getting pumpkins at the pumpkin patch this year, we were 3 for 3 when it came to having fun!

Bergy's Breadbasket in Chesapeake

Family photo op - Addie was not a fan!

The cutest pumpkin in the patch with the prettiest blue eyes!

Hudson and Addie played throw the pumpkin in the goat's water to see who could make the biggest splash..

and then clap for yourself!  Luckily it was pretty warm so it was okay that they got a little wet.

Just some dads, kids, and goats.

Daddy's girl!

These 2 would have sat for hours putting rocks in their cups, it's the little things in life!

We finally got a smile.. we celebrated with some ice cream with our friends!

Hickory Ridge Pumpkin Patch

Cutie pies

It is nearly impossible to get all 3 toddlers to look at the camera at the same time, no matter how crazy their mommas look jumping up and down and screaming :)

We love our fall play dates and our friends!

Addie's new favorite game - "weeeeeee!"

Janoski's in Pittsburgh with Aunt Krissy

Hayride fun with Aunt T as Addie calls her.

Apparently that pumpkin was the best seat in the house!


Addie had fun counting the pumpkins in the field.

But she had more fun at the park...

and swinging on the big girl swings...

and watching the airplanes go by!

Photo op with Aunt T, somehow she got a smile from Addie..

and we got this face!

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