Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

We have a lot to be thankful this year in the Harvell household - we welcomed our beautiful and healthy baby girl Bella into this world, we have watched Addie grow another year and become the best big sister, we have health, a hard-working Daddy/husband, and I've got to start my dream job of being a stay at home mom.  We have friends and family all around us to share our crazy life with and for that I could not be more thankful.

This year, we kicked off the holiday season with our first annual Friendsgiving.  It was so much fun to host and we had a blast celebrating with our closest friends.  We filled our bellies with the most delicious food, then watched our little ones run laps around the house before it was pajama time. Have you ever seen a cuter bunch in their PJs?  I haven't :)  Then, we had fun hanging out with the adults and playing some games.  We finished out the weekend with a fun visit from Pap, Grandma, and cousin Bryan and a trip to the zoo and light up night.

We spent Thanksgiving day in Raleigh with Aunt Kristie, Uncle Keith, & the kids, Aunt Teresa, Dustin, Cody, & their boys.  It was an absolutely beautiful day so Addie was a happy girl playing outside with her cousins.  Then, we ate and ate and ate some more delicious food...that's what the holidays are for right?  We attempted a few family pictures, played some more games, and shared a few laughs and then that was a wrap for Thanksgiving 2015.  Bella's 1st Thanksgiving was in the books and now it's time to "spread Christmas cheer for all to hear!" 

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