Wednesday, January 6, 2016

NYE & Our Year in Review

Happy New Year!  2015 was such an amazing year for us for so many reasons.  We watched Addie grow into an active, happy toddler, welcomed Bella into our family, both started new adventures on the work front - Eric got his real estate license on top of kicking butt in the Jostens world and I took a break from teaching to be a stay at home mom, took many amazing trips from St. Lucia to the Outer Banks, spent time with friends and family, and all around just had an awesome year. Here are my favorite photos throughout the year:

January - Spending New Year's in St. Lucia

February - Addie turns ONE

March - We have a walker!

April - It's a GIRL!

May - Mini-vacation to the Outer Banks

June - Addie's last day of daycare and my last day of work!

July -OBX Family Vacation

August - Welcome Bella Sherry!

September - Stay at home mom life

October - God Bless Bella

November - 1st Friendsgiving

December - Our 1st Christmas as a family FOUR

We have a lot to be thankful for this year and I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for the Harvells.  We spent NYE ringing in the new year with some close friends.  Our night included some yummy pizza and treats, a toddler friendly dance party, a few glasses (or bottles) of champagne, and a lot of laughs.  Goodbye 2015 and Cheers to 2016 :)

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