Thursday, April 14, 2016

My Favorite Things

I used to do a post titled "My Favorite Things" every month for Addie, until she turned ONE!  Unfortunately, life is hectic these days and I have not gotten around to do one for Addie since her first birthday and I haven't done any for poor Bella (I'm lucky if I get her monthly updates done!  Sorry Bella, you're the second child and I do my best!)  The girls are at such fun ages right now and I could write a book every day about things they say or do that I want to remember, but instead here is a quick snapshot of just a few of my favorite things:

Addie - My Favorite Things at 2 years old

You are quite the talker these days.  You talk ALL DAY LONG and the things that come out of your mouth are hilarious. The other day you asked for more ketchup at lunch (you even did the sign for more which meant you were serious!) and I told you it was all gone.  You looked at me and in the most hilarious voice said "WHAT!" I couldn't help but laugh.   You make me laugh all day long and I love that about you!

You are the sweetest big sister to Bella.  I can always count on you to get her one of her toys or get her the pacifier when she needs it.  Sometimes you will get a book and read to her or make silly faces and noises to make her laugh.  My favorite part of the day is watching the two of you interact.

I love how you ask your Dad and I a million times a day if we are okay.  We respond with a "Yes, are you okay Addie?"  and you say "Yes, I'm okay" and continue doing whatever you were doing.  Thanks for looking out for us Addie :)

Dancing, jumping, and twirling are 3 of your favorite things and I love how the second you hear music you just start to move.  It's so cute!

You and Coop are best buds.  He's finally learning the benefits of having little ones in the house because he always has someone to throw his ball, chase him, and even get him a treat.  I love how you have him sit and give you his paw before rewarding him, it's pretty cute to watch.

Being outside is your favorite place in the whole world.  We spend a lot of time at the park and the second we try to come inside, you run to the door and ask to go back outside.  I love how active you are and I hope you always love being outside as much as you do now.

The older you get the more you like to cuddle.  You love to say "I hold you" and "I rock you" to Daddy and I and we love it!

Your singing skills are spot on and you definitely don't get that from us.  You can recite most of the little songs from Daniel Tiger (you love to tell me "Flush and wash and be on your way") and the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" is another one of your favorites.

Bella - My Favorite Things at (almost) 8 months

I love that you really are my little mini me.  Addie is very much a Daddy's girl, but you on the other hand, you're my girl!  We are attached at the hip 24/7 and you are a pretty cute sidekick!

I'm obsessed with your little chunky thighs and I'm so excited that it's almost swimsuit and romper season.  There's seriously nothing better than baby rolls!

You have the prettiest blue eyes and I could stare into them all day long!

I love going in your room when you first wake up.  You kick your legs like crazy and squeal in excitement!  It's one of my favorite parts of our day!

I love the way that you look at your big sister.  Your eyes light up the second she enters the room and I swear you could sit and watch her all day long.

I can always tell when you are tired because the second I lay you in your crib you lift your legs and roll to the side.  The pacifier quickly falls out of your mouth and you are out.

You tell the best stories at dinner time and they are very dramatic.  You start talking and your sister quickly starts talking over top of you, needless to say between the two of you - your dad and I can't even get a word in.  Now if we only knew what the two of you were saying...

The sound of your laugh is my favorite.  You laugh all day long, usually at your sister.  You think she is absolutely hilarious!

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