Thursday, December 1, 2016

Fall Recap - Better Late Than Never

I went an ENTIRE season without even doing 1 blog post.  There's a few reasons for that... 1)  We found out I was pregnant and during the first trimester I was more exhausted then I have ever been in my entire life!  2) I lost my laptop, yes I said lost - pregnancy brain at it's finest!  3) Life with a 2 1/2 year old and 1 year old is crazy busy, fun yes, but also very busy.  So, as a recap:

pregnancy + no laptop + 2 children 2 and under (while exhausted) = not one update about our fall

Therefore, I wanted to back track and share some fun memories from our fall because fall is pretty amazing!

Labor Day

Eric had to work in the OBX at the beginning of September and we decided to make a trip of it.  It was an added bonus that Julie, Todd, and Max were also vacationing that week and we even talked Kristen into joining us.  It was meant to be!  It started off in the middle of a full blown hurricane, but it did end up clearing up and we had a lot of fun!  We spent some time on the beach, but also ventured around town to the sand dunes, mini golfing, the aquarium, and ate way too much good food!

Pumpkin Patch

Weekend in DC

We spent a long weekend in DC to visit Brian, Carla, and Kristen in October.  My mom drove down to join us as well.  Some of the highlights were celebrating Brian's birthday, exploring the National Museum of Natural History,  a pirate boat tour down the Potomac, and of course Steeler football.  

Pittsburgh Trip 

Every year we take a trip to Pittsburgh in the fall and it's probably one of my favorites.  We started out the weekend by celebrating Kristen's birthday, with party favors, birthday hats, and noisemakers bought by Addie.  We took the girls to Chuck E Cheese for the first time, enjoyed a family dinner, spent the day at the pumpkin patch, and even made time to escape to a Steeler game and dinner.  It was a very busy weekend (it always is when we go to Pittsburgh), but also a memorable one!  

Halloween Fun

Trick or Treating 

This year was by far my favorite year trick or treating!  Addie had an absolute blast walking through the neighborhood with her buddies collecting candy and Bella enjoyed taking it all in.  Our little Nemo and Dory looked adorable and Dory even topped it off with the cutest little "just keep swimming" rendition any time I asked.  Halloween 2016 is going to be tough to top!

Friendsgiving 2016


Unfortunately, sickness struck our house right before our plans to spend Thanksgiving in Carolina Beach with Eric's cousin and his family.  Addie had the stomach bug the Tuesday before and Eric caught it on Wednesday, which left us at home for the holidays.  We made the most of it and had a quiet day at home.  We watched the parade and had some fun art projects to entertain the girls.  I cooked a mini-meal and the 4 of us ate dinner on our homemade table runner that I absolutely loved and may have to start doing every year!  We ended the night with Christmas pajamas and movies on the couch.  Thanksgiving may not have gone according to plan, but I am thankful that the sickness passed and we still were able to make some memories.

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