Thursday, February 23, 2017

Valentine's Day

This year, we celebrated LOVE day a little early since Eric and I would be in Maui on Valentine's Day.  I hosted a super fun Valentine's Day play date for Addie and Bella with their friends.  We had a waffle bar and yogurt parfaits, a cute "I love you to pieces" themed craft, and decorated Valentine's Day boxes for the kids to use to pass out their Valentine's.  Of course Addie picked Frozen themed Valentines this year for her friends!  We had a fun filled morning celebrating with some of our favorite people - even the group picture doesn't appear that way!

On February 14th, we Facetimed with Addie and Bella while their opened their little gifts from Mommy and flowers from Daddy.  Then, instead of going to our fancy dinner we had planned we ended up hanging out on the beach and watching the sunset, followed by ordering pizza for dinner.  It was low-key and perfect - I mean we were in Maui and it doesn't get much better than that!

Happy (belated) LOVE day friends!

Happy 1/2 birthday Bella bean!

On February 18th, Bella turned 18 months old!  Our sweet little baby is no longer a baby and I really can't believe it!  I thought Addie's infant months went by fast, but it's seem to have gone by at lightning speed the second time around.  I can only imagine how quickly it will go the third time around?!?  Here are a few things about our sweet Bella at 18 months old:

-Bella is still our little bundle of sunshine and let me emphasize "little."  At her well check she was 22 pounds 7 ounces (20th percentile) and 31 inches tall (29th percentile), but her head circumference is still off the charts at 49 centimeters (96th percentile.)
-Bella's personality couldn't be more opposite her big sister's and I love watching her come into her own.  She is sweet, very chill, reserved, and even timid at times.  It takes her a while to warm up to other people and new environments, but other than that she is so easy.  I love all of her constant hugs and kisses, how she lays her head on my shoulder, and she loves to cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie.  She really is the sweetest little girl.
-She has the best laugh and no one gets her to laugh more than Addie.  She things just about everything she does is hilarious!  I love watching the two of them interact and now that Bella is a little older it happens more and more.  I love it when I'm in the other room and I overhear the two of them giggling, it melts my heart!  When they aren't playing together, Bella is Addie's shadow.  She watches what she does and comes right behind her to mimic her play.  I have a feeling these two will cause some serious trouble together in the future!
-Bella is a momma's girl and I absolutely love it!
-Some of her favorite things to do these days are cruise around in her cozy coupe, cook up a meal in the play kitchen, feed her baby dolls with the bottle, play chase around the kitchen island, jump on the couch with her big sis, do just about anything outside, chase bubbles, splash around at bath time, ride around on her train and say "choo-choo", and play peek a boo or hide and seek.
-If I had to pick her future profession right now, I would say she will be a veterinarian.  She LOVES animals, especially dogs and gives the best check ups with her doctor's kit, put two and two together and there you have it, our future veterinarian.
-Bella has the cutest dance moves, especially when Mickey Mouse is on and she hears the hot dog dance.  It's her favorite!
-She puts her hands together at dinner time to pray and is so proud of herself, it's adorable.
-Bella may not say too many words yet, but she babbles all day long.  I can only imagine what she is saying and when she does start talking, between her and Addie, Eric and I are never going to get a word in.  Every once in a while she surprises me though and I swear she knows more than she lets us think she does.  At the park the other day, she sat and said "cheese" to have her picture taken and when I pulled up to the Starbucks drive-thru she started yelling wa-wa (water) because she wanted a water with a green straw just like Addie.  She has picked up on a few signs too, I guess Addie taught her when I wasn't looking.  "More" and "all done" are her favorites.
-She is taking after her big sister with her eating habits and is becoming very picky.  Her favorite foods are yogurt, applesauce, cheese, pouches, chicken, veggie straws, bananas, blueberry waffles, and mac and cheese.  She is not a fan of trying anything new and quickly feeds it to Cooper the second it hits her tray.
-She is a champion sleeper - she sleeps 12 hours at night and takes a 2-3 hour nap every day.  She never fights it and requires very little effort to go to bed, sometimes I go to sing or read to her and she just points to her bed instead.  The second I put her down and she has her baby doll and pacifier, she is out.  Please, please, please have our little man follow in her footsteps!
-She really dislikes having her face wiped, sitting still for a diaper change or to get dressed, having to be carried, and having to share.
-Right now she has 3 teeth, going on about 10 - I swear the entire top row is coming in at once and I guess that's what happens when you have a late teether.

Bella, you are at one of my favorite ages right now and so much fun!  Everything is new to you and I love watching you go and explore everything around you.  You let out the cutest ooohhhs and awwwws at the simplest things.  You are such a sweet little girl and I know you are going to be the best big sister to your little brother.

Happy 1/2 birthday Bella bean, we love you to the moon and back!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Addie's Pizza & Movie Night

We decided to have a fun Pizza and Movie night themed party for Addie's 3rd birthday this year.  When we asked Addie what kind of party she wanted, we always got a color response "I want a blue party or I want a yellow party" and even though we gave her ideas, no theme seemed to stick for her.  Then, Eric and I decided to brainstorm about things she likes and came up with Pizza & Movies.  We watching movies together frequently and she loves to cuddle up in her sleeping bag and eat popcorn.  When it comes to favorite foods, pizza is at the top of her list and she loves to cook.  So a fun, colorful Pizza & Movie night is was and it was so much fun to plan and the perfect theme for our sweet Addie girl.

We kept the details simple and I kind of hit the jackpot at the Target dollar bins!  They had the cutest banners, mini party hats, and cake toppers.  They were perfect and Addie had so much fun picking things out for her birthday party - and it was nice on the wallet as well.  Add in a bunch of balloons and some personalized aprons and chef hats from Oriental Trading and we were set!

The cutest chef hats for the cutest chefs - under 70 cents each!

We continued the tradition of having her party guests write a little note for her in a book, this year it was "Curious George and the Pizza Party." We also had popcorn bins for the kids from the dollar store!

Photo booth fun with some cute Pizza sayings!

Addie loved helping me make her pink sprinkle cake!

I covered the table with brown paper (easy cleanup) and added lots of pizza topping and a pizza crust for each kid.  They also got their own personalized apron (Oriental Trading - $1 each) and chef hat, that doubled as their party favor!

A few pre-party photos, she was SO excited for her birthday party!

Aunt T even came to visit for the weekend!
We had so much fun with Addie's friends and they made the most adorable little chefs....

Even though they looked the part in their chef gear, they still needed some parent assistance.  But, the pizzas were a hit and the kids loved eating their finished products.

Addie had so much fun opening her presents this year.  She was spoiled with twirl dresses, baby doll items, princess everything, and the most adorable pink tool set.  Eric and I got her the cutest teepee that has a little chandelier in it and her special request of a tea party set.  All in all, she is one lucky girl and is very thankful for all of her gifts!

These 3 were adorable in their princess gear and high heels!

Having a tea party in her new teepee, wearing her Elsa dress - that is one happy little girl!

While the kids were watching "Finding Dory" the adults even had some fun in the photo booth :)

Chambray for the win!

Future BFFs

At least the guys liked the stick on mustaches I bought for the kids!

The look on her face says it all, she is one happy girl while everyone is singing Happy Birthday to her. She was even happier when she got to eat her pink sprinkle cake and ice cream :)

We ended the night with the kids all cuddled up on the couch in their sleeping bags watching Finding Dory and eating popcorn.  

Addie's Pizza and Movie night was SO much fun all around, the planning, preparation, and party itself were absolutely perfect.  Addie was smiling from ear to ear the entire time and was the happiest little birthday girl around.

Happy 3rd Birthday Addie girl, we love you to the moon and back!

A letter to my favorite THREE year old!

Dear my sweet Addie girl,

I can't believe that you are already THREE years old!  It seems like just yesterday your Dad and I were bringing you home from the hospital for the first time and we began this crazy adventure called parenthood.  You were the first one to call me mommy, first one to wrap your arms around me and give me the biggest "squeeze hug", and first one to make me laugh when you are "just being silly!"  You are my first born and you will always hold a special place in my heart, no matter how old you get!

At three years old you are BEAUTIFUL and SMART.  You surprise us on a daily basis with what you pick up on and what you remember.  You have a pretty strong vocabulary and talk all day long.  You are absolutely beautiful both inside and out and I love the little lady you are becoming.  You make your Daddy and I very, very proud.

At three years old you are HILARIOUS!  I mean the things that come out of your mouth, I can't even!  I don't know where you get this stuff, but you love to make jokes and when your dad and I laugh you laugh along with us and say "I'm just being silly!"

At three years old you are very OUTGOING.  You've been a little social butterfly from the very beginning and love being around other people and kids.  We can't go to the park without you making a new friend and I love that about you because I was quite the opposite as a kid.  You would spark up a conversation with just about anyone (I wonder who you get that from!) and are truly the happiest when you are with your friends and family.

At three years old you are FEARLESS!  You are willing to climb on or hang from just about anything and I constantly joke that we will make many trips to the hospital in the future because of broken bones, but seriously you aren't afraid of anything.  You try new things without hesitation and very rarely hold back.

At three years old you are so KIND and CARING and the best big sister to Bella.  She is so, so lucky to have you and bring her out of her shell a little bit, especially when I am not around.  You are a little mommy and my second set of eyes, always making sure Bella is staying safe.  Bella feels comfort in having you nearby and will often reach for your hand when we are walking and it is adorable.  I love the bond that you guys share and can't wait to watch you interact with your baby brother very soon.

At three years old you are MY LITTLE HELPER, my side kick these days.  You especially love to cook, clean, and take care of your baby dolls.  Ever since you got your new kitchen and cleaning set for Christmas, you are constantly making us dinner or helping me sweep the floors.  You are the best pancake tester, icing licker around and have even started teaching Bella how to hold her own in the kitchen.  When you aren't helping me, you are most likely side by side with your dad with your tool kit helping him fix or put together things.

At three years old you are very STRONG WILLED.  You know what you want, how you want it, and you let us know.  You challenge us as parents at times, but at the same time I know that this trait will help you be okay as you grow up and venture this crazy, scary at times, world that we live in.  You know how to stand up for yourself and are independent.  My wish for you is that as you continue to grow up you still have the came confident, strong, independent personality then as you do now.

At three years old you are princess obsessed!  All of a sudden you can't get enough, we watch princesses, dress like princesses in our twirl dresses (every single day!) and love to have princess tea parties.  You have quite the imagination and I love to watch you play.  When you aren't playing with your princesses, you will most likely be found jumping on the couch as you have turned it into your very own trampoline, cooking up a meal in your very own kitchen set, caring for one of your many baby dolls, building really high towers, doing any and all kinds of art projects, or giving Cooper or Bella a check up with your doctor's kit.  You are a super picky eater, chicken and cheese, yogurt, applesauce, pancakes, peanut butter and jelly, and water from Starbucks are your current favorites.  You love to be outside, go on "Dapes" aka dates with Daddy, and never turn down an opportunity to Facetime.

At three years old, you still dislike getting your hair done and refuse to wear anything besides a twirl dress.  You hate just about anything I cook for dinner and have become the best at stalling before bedtime.

Addie, you are my favorite three year old and I have loved celebrating YOU this past month.  You brighten my day on a daily basis and I love having you as a best friend.  These past THREE years have been my absolute favorite.

Happy 3rd birthday Addie girl!
Love, Mommy

At 3 years old Addie is 34 inches tall (88th percentile) and weighs 35 pounds (84th percentile.)