Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A letter to my favorite THREE year old!

Dear my sweet Addie girl,

I can't believe that you are already THREE years old!  It seems like just yesterday your Dad and I were bringing you home from the hospital for the first time and we began this crazy adventure called parenthood.  You were the first one to call me mommy, first one to wrap your arms around me and give me the biggest "squeeze hug", and first one to make me laugh when you are "just being silly!"  You are my first born and you will always hold a special place in my heart, no matter how old you get!

At three years old you are BEAUTIFUL and SMART.  You surprise us on a daily basis with what you pick up on and what you remember.  You have a pretty strong vocabulary and talk all day long.  You are absolutely beautiful both inside and out and I love the little lady you are becoming.  You make your Daddy and I very, very proud.

At three years old you are HILARIOUS!  I mean the things that come out of your mouth, I can't even!  I don't know where you get this stuff, but you love to make jokes and when your dad and I laugh you laugh along with us and say "I'm just being silly!"

At three years old you are very OUTGOING.  You've been a little social butterfly from the very beginning and love being around other people and kids.  We can't go to the park without you making a new friend and I love that about you because I was quite the opposite as a kid.  You would spark up a conversation with just about anyone (I wonder who you get that from!) and are truly the happiest when you are with your friends and family.

At three years old you are FEARLESS!  You are willing to climb on or hang from just about anything and I constantly joke that we will make many trips to the hospital in the future because of broken bones, but seriously you aren't afraid of anything.  You try new things without hesitation and very rarely hold back.

At three years old you are so KIND and CARING and the best big sister to Bella.  She is so, so lucky to have you and bring her out of her shell a little bit, especially when I am not around.  You are a little mommy and my second set of eyes, always making sure Bella is staying safe.  Bella feels comfort in having you nearby and will often reach for your hand when we are walking and it is adorable.  I love the bond that you guys share and can't wait to watch you interact with your baby brother very soon.

At three years old you are MY LITTLE HELPER, my side kick these days.  You especially love to cook, clean, and take care of your baby dolls.  Ever since you got your new kitchen and cleaning set for Christmas, you are constantly making us dinner or helping me sweep the floors.  You are the best pancake tester, icing licker around and have even started teaching Bella how to hold her own in the kitchen.  When you aren't helping me, you are most likely side by side with your dad with your tool kit helping him fix or put together things.

At three years old you are very STRONG WILLED.  You know what you want, how you want it, and you let us know.  You challenge us as parents at times, but at the same time I know that this trait will help you be okay as you grow up and venture this crazy, scary at times, world that we live in.  You know how to stand up for yourself and are independent.  My wish for you is that as you continue to grow up you still have the came confident, strong, independent personality then as you do now.

At three years old you are princess obsessed!  All of a sudden you can't get enough, we watch princesses, dress like princesses in our twirl dresses (every single day!) and love to have princess tea parties.  You have quite the imagination and I love to watch you play.  When you aren't playing with your princesses, you will most likely be found jumping on the couch as you have turned it into your very own trampoline, cooking up a meal in your very own kitchen set, caring for one of your many baby dolls, building really high towers, doing any and all kinds of art projects, or giving Cooper or Bella a check up with your doctor's kit.  You are a super picky eater, chicken and cheese, yogurt, applesauce, pancakes, peanut butter and jelly, and water from Starbucks are your current favorites.  You love to be outside, go on "Dapes" aka dates with Daddy, and never turn down an opportunity to Facetime.

At three years old, you still dislike getting your hair done and refuse to wear anything besides a twirl dress.  You hate just about anything I cook for dinner and have become the best at stalling before bedtime.

Addie, you are my favorite three year old and I have loved celebrating YOU this past month.  You brighten my day on a daily basis and I love having you as a best friend.  These past THREE years have been my absolute favorite.

Happy 3rd birthday Addie girl!
Love, Mommy

At 3 years old Addie is 34 inches tall (88th percentile) and weighs 35 pounds (84th percentile.)

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