Monday, March 6, 2017

Baby Noah

We have finally decided on the most perfect name for our perfect little man.  When we found out we were having a boy, it was completely new territory for us - but that didn't make choosing a name any easier.  We had our list of boy names we liked and immediately started narrowing it down.  We knew the middle name would be Ryan after his Daddy, just like Addie's middle name is Elizabeth after me. 

So that made the criteria for his first name as follow:
-Must work with the middle name Ryan - which eliminated all "J" names for me because I'm not a fan of the nickname Jr.
-Had to flow with his big sister's names - Addie and Bella
-Didn't necessarily have to start with "C" to continue the pattern, but we did play around with some "C' names.
-Had to be a strong name that Eric could picture being called out at sporting events, whether it's football, baseball, basketball, etc. because if he takes after his Daddy (and Mommy) he will be athletic
-Preferred it not to be in the Top 10 list of popular names - although we didn't hold ourselves to this one.

We quickly narrowed his name down to "Noah Ryan Harvell" but the only thing holding us back was that last piece of criteria, it was the #1 Boy Name in 2016.  We tested his name out for a little while and ultimately decided that we didn't care that it was on the Top 10 list.  We loved it and it fit our little man perfectly!

Noah Ryan Harvell, we can't wait to meet you in only a few short months!

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