Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy May - it's BABY month!

Dear Noah,

Happy May!   It's May 1st, which officially makes it your birth month :)  You are a pretty lucky guy because you will get to share a middle name with your Dad, but a birthday month with me - actually maybe we are the lucky ones? :)

I can't believe that we are days from meeting you for the first time.  It seems like just yesterday I found out we were expecting and I was brainstorming creative ways to tell your dad.  Your big sister, Addie, helped by painting an adorable pumpkin picture to tell him that we were adding to our patch in May.  Then, we broke the news to our family during our trip to DC and to the rest of the world right before the holidays.  A few days after Christmas we found out that you were a BOY and from there time just seemed to fly by!

We've been busy preparing for your upcoming arrival.  We updated Addie's room to become a shared big girl room for both of your sisters and converted the nursery to all things boy with the cutest "vintage baseball" theme.  I have grown to love shopping the in the BOY section at stores and Addie seems to love it too because she has picked out several outfits for you.  Bella has helped by testing out all of your baby things to make sure they are just right for you, her favorite is probably the swing.  Both of your sisters participated in the Big Siblings class at the hospital a few weeks ago and got the certificate of approval.  They are ready and willing for their new roles as big and bigger sister!

So now we wait.   We wait for the newborn smells and the baby cuddles.  We wait for the cute button nose and tiny little toes.  We wait for the chubby little cheeks, sweet baby yawns, and tiny little grunts.  Noah, you have lots of people very excited to meet you, but your big sisters are already your biggest fans!  They are going to love on you like no one else can and it makes my heart melt just thinking about it.  We can't wait to meet you Noah Ryan, see you soon sweet boy.


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