Monday, September 17, 2018

Back to School 2018

We started back to school this year with a whole lot of excitement in our house.  The girls were literally jumping up and down all morning long as we got ready for their first day.  This year, Addie is in the Pandas class and Bella is in the Owls class like Addie was in last year.  They are both going 3 days a week this year.  They both have some familiar faces in their class again this year, which has also added to the excitement.  I absolutely love everything about their preschool, their teachers, and the families that also belong there.  I know both of the girls are going to do great things there this year and I can't wait to watch them learn, grow, and make lots of fun memories.

I thought this was the perfect time to ask the girls some questions that would be fun to look back at for years to come. 

How old are you?
Addie: four
Bella:  "This many" (as she holds up 3 fingers)

What is your favorite color?
Addie:  Rainbow
Bella:  red

What is your favorite food to eat?
Addie:  pizza
Bella:  pancakes

What is your favorite TV show or movie?
Addie: Belle
Bella:  Elmo

What is your favorite toy?
Addie: my doggies
Bella:  Elmo

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Addie:  a vet (this is a new answer, on the first day of school it was a rainbow mermaid)
Bella:  superhero

What do you love most?
Addie:  My family
Bella:  Addie :)

I hope your back to school came with as many smiles and excitement as ours did!

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