Thursday, September 26, 2019

A letter to our Addie girl as you start Kindergarten

Dear Addie girl,

Wow!  How are we here already?  I remember thinking about this day years ago when I was up for those mid-night feedings and it seems like I've blinked and now we are here.  You're first day of Kindergarten is here!  I never understood why parents would be so emotional over this.  Yes, the kids are gone Monday-Friday, but it's only a couple of hours and the break will probably be kind of nice.  It's such a bitter sweet feeling though.  Addie, I know you are ready, but am I?  The idea of you having this life outside of the home is both terrifying and beautiful all at the same time.  For the first 5 years of your life I was always there with you.  I knew who you were playing with, what you were doing, and how you were feeling.  I  was there to protect you and guide you through all of those big and little moments.  Now, it's my job to put you on the bus every morning and wait for you every afternoon.  The time in between is all on you sweet girl and you've got this!  You are so strong and confident that I know you will make the right choices.  You are kind and energetic that I know the other kids are going to be so excited to be your friend.  You are so smart and eager to learn that I know you are going to impress your teacher's by always putting forth your best effort.  Addie girl, you are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the out and I want you to always remember that.  Make good choices, always believe in yourself, and always show off that smile!  At times life will be difficult.  Some days may be harder than others, but you will be okay.  You will always be okay.  Please always remember I am and will always be in your corner cheering you on no matter what.  I love you to the moon and back my sweet Addie girl!  You got this!!


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