Tuesday, March 31, 2015

We have a walker!

Addie took her first steps when she was right around 13 months old.  I have always been worried about missing milestones while I was at work and it's funny how things work out sometimes.  Addie's daycare was closed for several days in the beginning of March and Eric and I were starting to get frustrated with finding someone to watch Addie.  I was out of sick days, so on days that I stayed home with her they were unpaid sick days.  Little to say I was a little bit upset when I got the email that it would be yet another day until daycare would re-open.  Of course I was happy that I got to spend the day at home with our little girl, but disappointed that it would be another unpaid day.  Well everything happens for a reason and Addie took her very first steps on that very same day.  We practiced a little and then with a little bribing using the cell phone and pacifier, Addie was ready to show off for Daddy when he got home and she hasn't looked back since!

Eric's Birthday

We had a fun time celebrating Eric's birthday this month.  Addie and I planned a whole day of events!  It started with a fun Daddy-Daughter date to Kangaroo Jack's followed by a family lunch at one of Eric's favorite spots, Joe's Crab Shack.  Eric even went all out with a shark bite drink!  We went home to relax, then ended our evening with a Mexican themed dinner and peanut butter pie birthday cake.  Of course a birthday is not complete without presents.  I got Eric some golf lessons and Addie painted Eric his very own golf bag pencil holder for his desk at work.  All in all it was a blast!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Baby Bump - Month 4

My growing bump!

Just like Mommy!

How far along?  17 weeks

Gender:  Unknown and honestly I can't decide what I think.  My symptoms are so different than when I was pregnant with Addie, it makes me automatically think it's a BOY.  But, there are still several things that are the same and I know every pregnancy is different, so a GIRL is still a possibility.

Here's the breakdown according to Old Wive's Tales:

Heartbeat - above 140 at 167 - GIRL
Cravings - SWEETS - GIRL
Chinese Calendar - GIRL
Morning Sickness - No - BOY
Headaches - Undecided - a lot in the 1st trimester - BOY- not too many lately - GIRL
My gender dreams - BOY (This was my deciding factor for Addie, I was convinced she was a girl and I was right!)
Carrying - low - BOY
Skin - GIRL
Sleep - both sides BOY or GIRL

Eric's prediction: Girl
My prediction: Boy
Addie's prediction (based on choosing pink or blue chalk): Boy

We can't wait until April 3rd to finally find out....stay tuned!

Feeling:  I love being in the 2nd trimester!  I've gotten my energy back, my headaches have subsided, and I just feel much more like myself.  I love watching my little bump grow and cannot wait to see if Baby H is a boy or a girl.  Ohh the perks of the 2nd trimester :)

Maternity Clothes: Yes!  I'm still living in leggings, avoiding jeans, and loving that the weather has been warming up and I can wear my flip flops again!

Sleep: No complaints here.  I am usually exhausted after a long day of work, household duties, and chasing after Addie that I have no problem sleeping at night...although I am sure that this will change the farther along I get.  My pregnancy pillow is on stand-by and ready when needed!

Favorite Moments:

-Our 2nd ultrasound that we had around 13 weeks - it's amazing how much has changed in a few short weeks (Our last ultrasound was at 8 weeks!)  I love seeing all of your little parts and hearing that you are a healthy, growing baby.  Addie and Eric came too and Addie loved waving at the screen.  She is going to be such a great big sister :)

-It's been a lot of fun to share our news with the world!  I have never been a fan of keeping secrets and this one was especially difficult to keep, so I have really enjoyed having it out in the open.

-Although this isn't related to Baby #2, one of the best moments of the last month was that Addie started WALKING!  Like I said, not related to pregnancy, but definitely a huge milestone and worth sharing!