Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Week of Firsts

Bella, you are a few days shy of 2 weeks old, but here is a little glimpse into what your first week was like.  We shared quite a few "first moments" as a family and even though we have only been a family of FOUR for a very short time, we couldn't imagine our lives without you.  You are the perfect addition to our family and we are so head over heals in love with  you.  

Your first photo shoot - and official hospital picture.

Daddy's girl.  We have the exact same picture of Eric and Addie, so sweet! 

Your first car ride and you looked so tiny in your car seat!

Your first time at HOME!  Welcome Home Bella :)

My whole world <3

First time in the swing, one of your favorite spots!

Grandma gave you your first bath at home.

Grandma's girl!

Your first night sleeping at home, you were snug as a bug in your swaddle blanket!

Your first walk with Daddy and Addie

Your big sis led the way!

The new daddy mobile!

You and I spent your first week doing a lot of this...

and this...

while your Daddy and Addie had a lot of fun together.  They went to the beach..and even the pool...

on walks and to the park..

and to the Little Gym.  We loved having Daddy at home with us for an entire week when we came home from the hospital!

You met your 4 legged big brother for the very first time!

Happy 1 week Bella!  We love you to the moon and back!

Lots of Love in a Hospital Room

Bella, there were a lot of people very excited to meet you when you finally arrived.  There was lots of love in and out of our hospital room during our longer than expected stay.  On your birthday, after you met your dad and I - you met your Grandma, your big sister Addie, Pap, and your Aunt Kristen.  Everyone was so excited to celebrate your birthday with us, especially your big sister.  She absolutely adored you from the moment she met you!  She gave you lots of kisses and loved holding you (with help of course!)  We spent most of the morning just soaking in all of the baby cuddles, with a side of Addie's goofiness, with family in our hospital room.  It was perfect!

After a few hours, the room quieted down as Addie and the rest of the family went home for some lunch and nap time.  It was nice for your dad and I to have some alone time with you in our room and try to get some rest.  Although I'm not gonna lie, I never fell asleep I just held you in our dark, quiet room and enjoyed every second of it!

Once nap time was over, we had another round of close friend and family visitors.  Brianna came to meet you, your Aunt Kristie and Uncle Keith drove all the way from Raleigh to meet you, and you met some of your cousins, Samantha, Rylan, and Maddox on FaceTime.  We spent some more time with your big sister, Grandparents, and Aunt Kristen before it was bedtime.

Throughout the rest of our stay at the hospital, the love continued to pour in!  Your uncle Brian came from DC, Dr. Pirkle stopped by to say hello, my teacher friend Nicole came, and our good friends Kristy, Justin, Addy, Sarah, and Hudson came to visit!  

Bella, you are already so loved and such a perfect addition to our family!  We cannot wait to continue to introduce you to the rest of your family and mommy and daddy's friends.  You are a very lucky girl and your dad and I are very, very lucky to call you our daughter.  We love you Bella!

Grandma was anxiously waiting for us in our room and met you as soon as we left the operating room!

You will quickly learn that Pap loves to spoil his grandkids!

Aunt Kristen and Addie are best buds, now they went from a dynamic duo to a terrific trio!

Proud big sister!  These girls melt my heart!

Daddy with his girls - one of my favorite pictures!

Love at first sight

catching up with our Addie girl, we missed her all morning!

Our beautiful Bella

Such a sweet face

Aunt Krissy with the girls

such a cutie pie

Aunt Kristie and Uncle Keith getting some Bella cuddles

Sibling love

Your cousins from Raleigh can't wait to meet you in person, for now FaceTime will have to do!  Technology is amazing!

Kisses from Aunt Kristy

Brianna and Bella

Proud Daddy

so much love!


Proud grandparents

The Harvell girls :)

My babies!

Mommy loves you Bella!

So excited for our family of FOUR!  First family pic :)

Dr. Pirkle delivered both Addie and Bella.

The Halls, Kristy, Justin, and Addy with our Bella.

Sarah came to visit, we missed you Marshall!

Hudson meeting Bella for the first time!

Addie loved taking care of her baby doll in the hospital, she's going to be such a good helper at home!

Nicole and Bella

Bella's first flowers and an adorable birth announcement from the Halls

Uncle Brian and Bella

Family selfie!

Bella working on her baby tan!

Our last pic in the hospital before we take our beautiful Bella HOME for the very first time!