Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Happy 1/2 birthday Addie Girl!

On August 10th, Addie turned 18 months old!  It's crazy to think she is already half way to being 2!  I feel like it was just yesterday that we were in the hospital meeting her for the very first time and now we are getting ready to welcome her little sister into our family in less than a week.  Here are a few things about our crazy Addie girl at 18 months:

-She is a monkey!  All of a sudden she LOVES to climb on any and everything she can find...and she has a few bumps and bruises on her face to show for it.
-Addie is obsessed with her belly button!  No matter where we are or who we are with, she has to make sure that everyone has seen her belly button!
-Mommy and Daddy are her favorite people in the world.  She hates when one of us leaves, but her face lights up the second we get back.  Cooper is probably up there too, although I'm not sure the feeling is mutual as sometimes she thinks he is her own personal trampoline and jumps all over him.  He's a trooper though!
-BALL!  This girl is obsessed with balls and she's gotten pretty good at throwing it to us.  We are still working on the catching part :)
-Blocks are her other favorite toy.  She loves when Mommy helps her build towers or something to keep her pacifier in, she thinks it's hilarious.
-Addie is a Daddy's girl for sure.  Daddy is her favorite person to cuddle with on the couch, favorite person to chase around the house, and favorite person to watch for out the window when he comes home from work.  I'm not sure she's going to be willing to share him with Bella, but I guess she doesn't have a choice.
-Addie HATES to do anything that requires her to stay still - get her diaper changed, get dressed, get her face wiped...but I think getting her hair done is by far at the top of her list of things that she dislikes.  She does not make it easy on mommy at all, she shakes her head, runs her fingers through her hair, and throws an all out fit.  We get through it though....most days :)
-She loves to read books, her favorites right now are any book that involves farm animals - she loves to make the noises - and her Minnie Mouse mini-book set that she got for her birthday.
-Doc McStuffins and Mickey Mouse are still her favorite shows, she dances the second she hears the music come on the TV.
-I know that she is going to be a great big sister to Bella.  We have been practicing putting her baby doll into the swing and bouncer and Addie says "shhhh" while she sleeps.  She also likes to feed her baby her bottle and give her lots of hugs and kisses.  I cannot wait to see Addie and Bella together for the very first times very, very soon!

We have a limited number of days left as a family of 3, so we thought her 1/2 birthday was the perfect opportunity to have a family fun day...we even stole Daddy away from work for the morning, which Addie loved.  We started our morning going out to breakfast at one of our favorite spots, followed by an adventure at the Children's Museum.   We have never been there before, but Addie absolutely loved it and we will go back again for sure.  Her favorite things were the train room and make believe grocery store.  There was also an oversized cushioned couch looking thing in the under 3 room that Addie turned into a trampoline!  She was even happy just running up and down the hallway watching the other kids.  This girl had a smile on her face from the second we walked in the door until the second we left, it was so much fun! After our adventure, it was time for lunch and nap time.  Then, at dinner Addie had one of her favorites - macaroni and cheese - followed by a cookie to end our 1/2 birthday celebration!  Happy half birthday sweet Addie girl, Mommy and Daddy love you very much!

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