Monday, May 8, 2017

A Letter to my Girls

A letter to my girls as we prepare for the upcoming arrival of their baby brother, Noah...

To the Big Sisters,

You girls are amazing.  My whole word.  You are so alike in some ways and so different in others.  You are sweet, caring, silly, and love to make each other laugh.  You love to play chase, jump on the couch, and hold hands when we are out and about.  Right now we are counting down the days until we welcome your baby brother into our family and I become a momma of 3, something that equally excites me, makes me a little anxious, and terrifies me all at the same time.  But, I know the love I have for my 2 girls and can't wait for my heart to grow again as I lay eyes on your baby brother for the first time.

Addie, you are a seasoned "Big Sister" already and you've really done a great job filling that role to Bella for the past 21 months.  When you first became a big sister, it was foreign territory to you, but your so smart and so sweet, it's become second nature to you.  You are protective of Bella and mommy's little helper and I know you will continue that role when Noah joins our family.  You and Bella are best friends and worst enemies at times, but she already looks up to you so much and you are a great role model!  You are very aware that life is about to change.  You are SO excited to meet your baby brother, you ask daily if we can go to the hospital and get him.  We went for your big siblings class a few weeks ago and you were upset we were leaving without Noah.  I constantly am reminding you that he is still growing in mommy's tummy (although you say Noah is in your tummy and there is just a boy in my tummy) and that very soon we will get to meet Noah and celebrate his birthday and you cannot wait!  You've picked out the most perfect gift to bring him to the hospital and you are so excited to make a birthday cake with Grandma so that we can sing "Happy Birthday."  You want to hold him "all by yourself because you're "bigger", help me give him a bath, and are even willing to change his stinky diapers...or so you claim.  A good friend of mine recently sent me a book in the mail called "You're all my Favorites" and it couldn't be more fitting for our family right now.  It's about a bear family of 5 and how each cub questions who the favorite is and the mommy and daddy teach each of their cubs how they are all their favorites.  Addie, you are the one that made me a momma a little over 3 years ago and you will always hold a special place in my heart because of that.  You make me laugh like no one else can and keep me on my toes at the same time as you are my "strong-willed" child I like to say.  Addie, you are my favorite first little girl and you always will be one of my favorites!

Bella, this whole big sister territory is new to you and I'm not sure you realize what is happening.  You are 100% a mommy's girl and I know that at times having your brother around will be a challenge for you, but at the same time you are the sweetest, most easy going little girl who is going to love on Noah like no one else will.  I already have visions of you giving him kisses in true Bella fashion by sticking your tongue out and licking him :)  I've been trying to talk to you about what's to come and prepare you the best I can.  We practice giving your baby dolls hugs and rocking them in the rocking chair.  We like to "shhhh" and be quiet when the baby is sleeping.  In the last couple of weeks it seems like you have grown from a baby to a toddler right before my eyes and in that sense I feel like you are showing me that you are ready for your big sister role.  Addie calls you to play and the two of you happily climb upstairs laughing and giggling.  The second she gets up on the couch to jump, you are right behind her to join and even though she is much bigger, you hold your own.  You are so observant and love to watch Addie and I know you are going to pick up on your big sister tasks quickly and in no time you will be a second little mommy's helper and protector of baby Noah.  Bella, you are the sweetest little girl I've ever met and I love watching your personality shine through!  You are becoming very independent and like to hang with the big kids, but still have a special place in your heart for your momma.  You give the best slobbery kisses and most gentle little hugs that will never get old.  Bella, you are my favorite second little girl and you will always be one of my favorites!

There are some pretty big changes in the horizon for our family and I know that although the transition may be tough some days, we will work through it.  There will be good days and bad days, but I wouldn't change it for the world.  I know that so much love will fill the hospital room on the day that we welcome your baby brother into our family and within an instant we won't be able to imagine life without him.   Addie and Bella, you amaze me on a daily basis and I can't wait to watch you fill you big and bigger sister roles.  Noah is one lucky little guy to have such amazing little girls in his corner.  I love you all to the moon and're all my favorites!


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