Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Farewell Sweet Summer of 2017

It's hard to believe that the summer is already coming to an end, but it will forever go in the books as one of my favorite summers to date.  I will miss so much about summer 2017 - hours upon hours spent at the pool and splash pad, beach sunsets with my crew, fun at the "gardens" - both Busch Gardens and the Botanical Gardens, extra time with Daddy, lots of fun play dates with both new and old friends, serious fun at little gym, weekly neighborhood dinners, spending the 4th in Pittsburgh, and family vacations in the Outer Banks.  Last, but certainly not the least, we will always remember this season as the season that we brought Noah into this world.  We grew from a family of four to a family of five and enjoyed every second of making memories and celebrating firsts with our favorite little man, as well as watch Addie & Bella grow up in the blink of an eye as soon as we brought Noah home from the hospital.  Of course there are some things I won't miss as well...the never ending buckets of sand in my swagger wagon, mosquitos (oh how I despise those little creatures!), sunscreen (another of my least favorite things), and having to always carry around a battery operated fan to keep our little man cool in the hot, humid days.  Overall, summer of 2017 was oh so sweet to us and I will always cherish the memories that we made.  Farewell sweet summer of 2017, helllooo all things pumpkin spice and the cool, crisp air of fall days :)

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