Friday, October 20, 2017

Our Chi-Town Adventures

Our Chi-Town Adventures

Chapter ONE:  Our Delayed Departure...

Eric and I hoped on a plane a few weekends ago to visit Kristen in Chicago.  Since Noah is still nursing it just made more sense for us to bring him along with us.  Addie and Bella stayed home with our amazing babysitter and had their own little staycation.  We woke up bright and early Saturday morning, grabbed our bags, and off we went.  Well, kind of.  We actually missed our first 2 minutes!!!! Luckily, we were able to get on another flight only an hour later.  That was our first (and last) hiccup of the trip, but a very annoying and expensive one.  We decided to stay with Kristen that way we could hang out when Noah was sleeping and it worked out perfectly.  We arrived around 10am Saturday morning and were very excited about our fun-filled weekend we had ahead of us. 

Chapter TWO:  Chicago - Where have you BEAN all of my life?!?  

We were first timers and I was so impressed with Chi-Town.  It's a beautiful city that has so much to offer!  I'm not sure why I waited to long to visit?!?!  There's something about the beach/city combo that makes it such a unique and pretty city - and it's so clean.  We did all of the fun touristy stuff when we were there.  We walked up and down the Navy Pier, explored the city by boat on the architect tour, checked out the "bean", ate Garrett's popcorn, drank a beer at Lottie's aka "Molly's" from Chicago Fire, ate deep dish pizza, saw Wrigley Field, walked along Lakefront Trail, and checked out the city from above...

Chapter THREE:  Livin' life on the LEDGE, literally....

One of the coolest things we did was went to the top of Sears Tower on the sky deck.  Interesting Fact - It would take 865 Noahs to reach the top of the Sears Tower.  Sears Tower is 110 stories tall and one of the tallest buildings in the world and from up above we got to see a pretty cool view of the city - and show off our black and gold since it's always Steelers Sunday in this family no matter what city we are in!

Chapter FOUR:  It's BEAN real!

We came, we ate, we drank, we explored, we left.  All in 48 hours.  Thank you Chicago (and Kristen) for a great weekend.  We are already planning our next trip to Chi-town!

Noah Ryan - Month 5

I would guess you are 17-18 pounds right now.  We have your well check next month!

-LAUGHING :)  Usually at your sisters!
-Loving your excersaucer
-Practicing sitting up every day with help
-Constantly blowing raspberries and babbling
-ALWAYS covered in drool - maybe we will have teeth soon?
-The most popular little guy in our house!  You are constantly smothered by your sisters, but you handle it like a champ.

You've been pretty healthy this month and are certainly growing, so much so that you are already outgrowing a lot of your 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.  Slow down baby boy!  Next month we have your next well check as well as your follow up ultra sound and appointment with the urologist.

Not much has changed this month with your eating schedule.  You still nurse in under 5 minutes, prefer nursing from the right side, and eat 4 times during the day and once or twice during the night.  You are a happy, healthy, growing boy and I'm happy I've been able to give you exactly what you need.  We are going to start solids very soon, so stay tuned next month for an update on how you feel about something other than "mommy's special milk" as Addie calls it.

This month has been kind of rough in the sleep department, but you are not to blame!  You were happy as can be in your own crib in your own room, your sisters, not so much.  They started waking up in the middle of the night ready to read books and play.  Instead of being awake with a newborn, we were up with two very opinionated toddlers.  Most nights we ended up doing a room rotation at 3am.  Bella went back in your room which meant you came back with us.  After we were able to get a few nights of good sleep and we were done with our fall trips, we put everyone back where they belong and so far so good.  Lately you've been doing a really great job putting yourself to sleep when I lay you down drowsy.  Occasionally you wake up and fuss for a few minutes, but you are getting better at putting yourself back to sleep.

Right now you love playing and exploring all of your toys and put just about anything in your mouth that you get your hands on.  The excersaucer and your bumbo are your favorite places to hang out when you are not in mommy's arms because you like to be able to be in on the action.  You've also started to love the park, whether you are sitting up in the stroller or hanging out in the swing, you are all smiles.  The pacifier, your solly wrap, and chewing on your hands continue to be favorites.  Getting your nose suctioned and getting out of the bath tub are your least favorite things.

You are the absolute sweetest little boy and I can't believe you are already 5 months old! We are completely obsessed with every thing about you and you are by far the most popular person in our house right now, from your chubby cheeks and chunky thighs, to your squeals of excitement and adorable facial expressions, we seriously can't get enough.  You are never ever left alone (unless you are sleeping) and usually have very little personal space thanks to your sisters and you are completely okay with it.  You handle life with 2 sisters and being the 3rd child like a champ - you are easy going, flexible, and so much fun.  Noah, you're pretty awesome - we love you buddy!

-Bella started preschool this month, so for the first time in your life we have one on one time every single week and I kind of love it!
-We are loving all things fall around here!   You've been on many trips to the pumpkin patch, love Steeler Sundays as much as we do, and are very excited to celebrate your first Halloween in a few weeks!
-We brought you along to Chicago this month to visit Kristen while your sisters had a fun weekend at home with the babysitter.  We survived your first flight and had a blast exploring Chicago since it was all of our first time.  We went on the architect tour, visited the sky deck and the bean, and even took you in your first bar - Molly's from Chicago Fire.  It was a fun (an exhausting) weekend, but we can't wait to go back!
-We also took a family road trip to Pittsburgh to see Grandma and Pap.  I was very nervous the car ride was going to be a nightmare, but you surprised us all and slept the majority of the time.  Finally, I have a kid who enjoys sleeping in the car!  Woohooo!  We had a fun-filled weekend of visiting the pumpkin patch, family dinners, going to Kennywood, and cheering on cousin Bryan at his football game.
-I never want to forget how Addie greets you every morning with the sweetest "Good morning buddy!  Did you have a good rest?" and Bella squeals "BROTHER" in excitement over and over again the second she sees you, like she just can't believe you are still here.  It's these little moments that literally make my heart explode!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Back to School 2017

We officially have not one but TWO toddlers in preschool!  Bella started this week in the 2 year old class and Addie has been going for about a month in the 3 year old class.  That means that my little guy and I have some quiet time for SIX whole hours every single week...and it's amazing!

Addie is absolutely loving everything about school.  On her very first day she ran into the room without any fear and hasn't looked back since.  She asks if she can go every single day and comes home with the cutest stories about what she learned or who she played with that day.   Snack time, the playground, and music class seem to be her favorite so far, but she also loves to show off all of her art work!  She absolutely adores her teachers, as do I.  It's only been a month so far, but I just know Ms. Tanya and Ms. Ellen are the perfect fit for my girl.  Addie's enthusiasm for school makes the teacher in me so proud and so thankful that we found the perfect preschool.   I can't wait to see her progress throughout the year and I hope her eagerness to learn and make new friends only continues to grow.

Bella had her first day at the same preschool in the 2 year old class this week.  We decided to send Bella this year because anyone who knows her knows that she is a stage 5 clinger.  She is a mommy's girl at heart!  We wanted to sign her up this year to give her a chance to interact with other kids her age and have some time away from me in hopes that she breaks out of her shell a little and I know she can do it!  Addie had her all hyped up for her first day, she was so excited.  She put on her backpack (that is bigger than her) and off she went.  There were a few initial tears at drop off, but by the time I dropped off Addie and peaked back in her room she was already happily playing with her teacher.  Her teachers are equally amazing and welcomed her with such open arms that any hesitation I had about leaving her immediately went away.  They even sent me a cute picture of her on the playground on her first day!  I cannot wait to watch Bella shine in her own little way this year.  I hope she makes new friends and has fun...and by the look on her face when I picked her up on her first day, she definitely did!

I thought this was the perfect time to ask the girls some questions that would be fun to look back at for years to come.

How old are you?
Addie: three
Bella:  two

What is your favorite color?
Addie:  pink
Bella:  pink

What is your favorite food to eat?
Addie:  pizza
Bella:  "I don't know" (Bella's new favorite saying and she thinks it's hilarious!)

What is your favorite TV show or movie?
Addie: Vampirina
Bella:  Minnie

What is your favorite toy?
Addie: my babies
Bella:  "I don't know"

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Addie:  princess
Bella:  shoe model ;)

What do you love most?
Addie:  You guys :)  Mommy and Daddy and Bella and Noah and Pooper (aka Cooper)
Bella:  "I don't know"

I hope your back to school came with as many smiles and excitement as ours did!