Friday, October 20, 2017

Our Chi-Town Adventures

Our Chi-Town Adventures

Chapter ONE:  Our Delayed Departure...

Eric and I hoped on a plane a few weekends ago to visit Kristen in Chicago.  Since Noah is still nursing it just made more sense for us to bring him along with us.  Addie and Bella stayed home with our amazing babysitter and had their own little staycation.  We woke up bright and early Saturday morning, grabbed our bags, and off we went.  Well, kind of.  We actually missed our first 2 minutes!!!! Luckily, we were able to get on another flight only an hour later.  That was our first (and last) hiccup of the trip, but a very annoying and expensive one.  We decided to stay with Kristen that way we could hang out when Noah was sleeping and it worked out perfectly.  We arrived around 10am Saturday morning and were very excited about our fun-filled weekend we had ahead of us. 

Chapter TWO:  Chicago - Where have you BEAN all of my life?!?  

We were first timers and I was so impressed with Chi-Town.  It's a beautiful city that has so much to offer!  I'm not sure why I waited to long to visit?!?!  There's something about the beach/city combo that makes it such a unique and pretty city - and it's so clean.  We did all of the fun touristy stuff when we were there.  We walked up and down the Navy Pier, explored the city by boat on the architect tour, checked out the "bean", ate Garrett's popcorn, drank a beer at Lottie's aka "Molly's" from Chicago Fire, ate deep dish pizza, saw Wrigley Field, walked along Lakefront Trail, and checked out the city from above...

Chapter THREE:  Livin' life on the LEDGE, literally....

One of the coolest things we did was went to the top of Sears Tower on the sky deck.  Interesting Fact - It would take 865 Noahs to reach the top of the Sears Tower.  Sears Tower is 110 stories tall and one of the tallest buildings in the world and from up above we got to see a pretty cool view of the city - and show off our black and gold since it's always Steelers Sunday in this family no matter what city we are in!

Chapter FOUR:  It's BEAN real!

We came, we ate, we drank, we explored, we left.  All in 48 hours.  Thank you Chicago (and Kristen) for a great weekend.  We are already planning our next trip to Chi-town!

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