Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Noah Ryan - Month 7

Your next well check isn't until 9 months but I think you are about 20 pounds already! 

-Sitting up all by yourself
-Reaching for and picking up toys, you love playtime!
-Mimicking us at times, if we shake our head "no" you do the same and you think it is hilarious.
-Exploring new foods! 
-Turning your head when we call you by name.
-Babbling "mama" and "dadada" although I'm not sure you relate your words to actual people yet
-So VERY ticklish and those baby giggles are my favorite sound on the planet :)

This month you've had a cold here and there, but other than that you've been pretty healthy.  We are still waiting on your first tooth to pop through and fingers are crossed you handle it like a champ. 

This is where your biggest changes have been this past month.  First, you're back to eating purees usually 2-3 times a day.  I've also let you explore a lot of actual foods.  Some of your favorites are peanut butter toast, green peppers, and pineapple.  We are still working on developing you pincer grasp, but once we do the table food possibilities are endless!  I'm all about less purees and more independent eating!  We've, let me rephrase that "you've" decided that it's time to wean from breastfeeding.  I've tried to hold on as long as possible but we went from only nursing from the right side, to only nursing at night time (bottles during the day), to 100% refusing to nurse altogether.  I try to tell myself it will all be okay, but knowing that you may very well be my last baby it's very bittersweet, especially since it ended a lot sooner than I thought it would.  I'm happy we made it a solid 7 months and that you are a happy, healthy growing little boy!

You've been a rockstar with the chaos of the holidays this past month, especially since we've been out of your routine a lot.  You've still been happy with your morning nap on the go and usually give me a nice long afternoon nap if/when we were home.  You love to be in bed by 7pm most nights, but again, between the holidays and our trip to Pittsburgh that didn't always happen.  I'm looking forward to getting back into our routine in the new year.

You start kicking and squealing in excitement when you see us make a bottle and officially dislike breastfeeding :(  You love to chew on anything you can get your hands on, baby toys, my hair, the remote control or my cell phone, you name it.  You love attention and happily give out a huge grin to anyone who gives it to you.   You love bath time, your pacifier, Christmas lights, food, and your excersaucer.  You dislike have your nose suctioned and sitting still to get your nails cut.  

Every month keeps getting better and better.  I love this new playful stage that you are in right now.  You are such a happy guy when I put you on the floor with a few toys.  You love peek-a-boo and continue to think your sisters are hilarious, even when they are all up in your business.  You have no idea what personal space is because you never have any!  I love how much they love you though and I know by the look on your face the feeling is mutual!  

-We celebrated your first Thanksgiving, it was just the 5 of us at home and it was perfect!
-We were in 100% Christmas mode starting the day after Thanksgiving.  Some of your favorite Christmas activities this year were looking at the Christmas lights (especially at Christmas Town!), sitting with the big guy (I think you were very curious about his white beard), watching the train we have to go around the tree, twinning with your sisters in all the Christmas pajamas (you didn't express a dislike so I'm going to tell myself you liked joining in on the fun!) and all of the fun Christmas play dates and activities in between.  

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