Monday, September 16, 2019

Dear Noah Ryan - You're TWO

To our favorite little guy,

You are TWO years old and we celebrated your birthday with the cutest "Taco TWOsday Fiesta" with your little girlfriend, Molly.  We invited all of our closest friends and had a fun afternoon of playing, eating, and celebrating.  Then, on your actual birthday we were lucky enough to celebrate with Grandma, Pap, Uncle Brian & Aunt Carla, T, Patrick, and cousin Bryan since we were all in Washington, DC for the wedding. And our icing on the cake (literally) was one more celebration at home the following weekend with just us.  The girls planned a Mickey party for you and we opened your presents, sang, ate lots of cake, and celebrated YOU once again.  You loved your new roller coaster and you were obsessed with your rubber ducky filled dump truck from T.  All and all it was an amazing MONTH of celebrating our favorite boy and we enjoyed every second!

I cannot believe it's been TWO whole years since we welcomed you into our family.  You are my favorite surprise, the little boy we didn't even know we were missing, and my favorite little man.  You've won over the hearts of every one around you!   I can't get enough of you, you and Dad are best buds, and your sisters are completely obsessed with you.  Noah Ryan, we love you to the moon and back and absolutely loved celebrating YOU for your birthday - all month long!

At 2 years old, you are 100% ALL BOY.  You love all the things - balls, cars, trains, superheroes, dump trucks, etc.  You are rough and you are tough, you literally never sit still!  You are on the go (usually with a ball in your hand) and you already have quite the arm.  I think we have a future ball player and that would be your dad's dream come true!

At 2 years old, you are STRONG and DETERMINED.  You may be the youngest of our bunch, but boy do you know what you want and how to get it.  You are talking up a storm, saying words and phrases, and have the cutest little singing voice.  "We wish you a Merry Christmas", "Happy Birthday", "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", and "Baby Shark" are your jams!

At 2 years old, you are a WATER BABY.  Every time you wake up from your nap you ask to go to one of two places - the pool or the beach.  You LOVE being in the water and you are hilarious to watch.  You "swim" and dive in the tanning ledge portion of our pool, usually while wearing your goggles and you are happy as can be.

At 2 years old, you are a MAMA'S BOY and it's pretty awesome.  Nothing beats hearing "I love you Mama" every night after I tuck you into bed and I wouldn't trade it for the world!

At 2 years old, you love MOLLY.  Molly has been your girl since the day you were born.  You two are inseparable and it's so cute.  Preschool just started and the two of you are in the Bees class together and you loving spending your school time with your best bud by your side. 

At 2 years old,  you are a DANCING MACHINE and you have the best dances moves.  It doesn't matter what the song is, you shake your little booty and wave your arms, it's adorable.  Every time I pick you up from school you tell me you "danced" and it's so cute.

At 2 years old, you are obsessed with Paw Patrol, rubber ducks, and eating pancakes.  You love Addie and "Lala" and have a special bond with both of them.  Don't get me wrong though, you are still siblings and you are known to give a hair pull here and there!  You love to give fist pumps, high fives, and french fries to just about any one you meet.  You've never met a stranger and attract attention pretty much any where we go! 

Noah, you are amazing!  You are the most handsome little man and we cannot get enough of you.  I am the luckiest mom in the world to be there to cheer you on as you learn and grow and maybe even hit a homerun here and there!  I will always be your #1 fan no matter what path you choose!  Happy birthday little man!  We love you to the moon and back, Noah Ryan!


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