Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 2

Your 2nd week was the first time that we were alone, as a family of 4 (Cooper included of course!) at home.  We were very blessed to have so many visitors for your birthday and your first couple of days, but we were excited to just hang out as a family and get to know our baby girl!

We had your 2 week check-up and you did wonderful, a lot less screaming than the first time we were there! 

Weight:  8 lbs 15 oz (69th percentile)
Length: 23 inches (99th percentile)
Head: 41 cm (99th percentile)

Your dad and I were not surprised that you have such a big head, it does run in the Harvell and the Castello families!  We still cannot believe how tall you are though!  Your dad was very excited and is already talking about signing you up for the WNBA and professional volleyball.  We know you will be athletic, but we will leave it up to you which sports you want to play when you get older!

We spent a lot of your 2nd week relaxing on the couch together!

This is what your dad and I have started referring to as "milk wasted!"  You absolutely LOVE to eat and you just eat and eat and eat until you make this lovely face, then we know that you are finally full!

Your dad and I could just sit and watch you sleep forever, you make the cutest facial expressions.  We would love to know what you are dreaming about.

Big yawn!

We can't get enough of your precious smiles :)

Yes, we survived our first week at home, alone!  We are all happy, healthy, and exhausted of course!

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