Friday, March 7, 2014

Week 3

Here are some highlights from Week 3 in the Harvell household:

We can't believe you are almost a month old already!
You had your first really fussy day/night in week 3.  You were wide awake for about 12 hours straight and no matter what I did you would not go to sleep, maybe you were just excited to see Aunt Kristen? 

Look at that pretty girl!
Looking cute for Daddy's birthday!

We celebrated Daddy's birthday with some special gifts and smores cake!
Your dad and I went out to dinner for his birthday and you had your first babysitter.  Aunt Kristen was very excited to spend the night with you and Cooper.

Of course Aunt Kristen had to dress you up in some Miami gear and even though I know you prefer Bobcat gear, I will have to say that you look pretty cute.
We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather on Sunday and went down to the oceanfront.  We went to Waterman's for lunch with Aunt Kristen and Brianna, followed by a walk on the boardwalk.  This is the first time you went to the beach and you loved every minute. 
Hanging out with Aunt Kristen and your paci!
Catching some rays while you are sipping on some milk!

How cute is that beach bum?!

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