Thursday, May 1, 2014

Addie and Cooper

Addie, you and Cooper were best buds from the day you met. Cooper has always been really gentle with you and of course very protective.  He loves to lay on the floor next to you when you are in your swing and gives you kisses every single day.  It took him a while to get used to you crying, but lucky for him you don't cry all that often - just when you are hungry!  I know that you and Cooper are going to have so much fun together in the years to come!

Our first official family photo!  Cooper went to the kennel for a few days when we brought you home from the hospital so that we could adjust a little on our own first.  You came home on a Wednesday and Cooper returned from the kennel on Saturday.  He was very excited to meet his little sister!
Here are some of the things that you and Cooper like to do together...

Sometimes you like to lay on Cooper, he's much more comfortable than the Boppy!

You guys love to "play" together!  Whenever I lay you down on the floor, Cooper joins us right away.

You both love to be outside, whether it is just hanging out on the deck or going for a walk!  Walks are a huge deal in our house these days, we try to go at least a couple times a week.  If it's raining or cold outside, you both get kinda cranky that we get stuck inside.  

After a long day of playing, you guys like to snuggle on the couch together!  Cooper LOVES to be close to you!

Occasionally, you will both cooperate and pose for a picture.

But, sometimes the candids are ever cuter than the posed pictures... I wish I knew what the 2 of you were thinking when you sit and stare at each other.

Cooper LOVES to give you kisses.  He licks you all over, but your favorite is when he licks your toes.  You always smile really big! 

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