Sunday, May 11, 2014

My Favorite Things - Month 3

You are growing and changing so much every single day and I wanted to record some of my favorite things that I want to remember about you and your 3rd month:

  • When you see your dad and I for the first time in the morning you smile so big and are so excited to see us!  It's one of our favorite things that you do and we look forward to it every single day!
  • As soon as you start to get tired you put your hands up close to your face and it is absolutely adorable.
  • You tell the BEST stories!  You sit on our legs and make the cutest coo-ing sounds as you talk to us.
  • We love it when you wake up from a nap and let out a big stretch!  You hold both arms above your head, arch your back, and make the funniest face.  Then, it's usually followed by a huge grin when you open your eyes and see your dad or I for the first time.
  • You have the most adorable smile in the whole wide world.  When you smile really big, your stick your tongue out a little bit.  It melts my heart every single time. 

  • Music always puts you in a good mood and you love country music just like your dad.  The 2 of you love to watch CMT together and you are mesmerized by all of the colors as they flash across the TV screen.
  • Your dad and I love to watch you and Cooper together.  Cooper loves to give you kisses and you smile really big, especially when he licks your toes. 

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