Friday, June 20, 2014

God Bless Addie

We had you baptized on June 8, 2014 at Prince of Peace Church.  We had lots of visitors in town for the special occasion.  Some of the Castello's came from Pittsburgh, Pap, Grandma, Aunt Kristen, and Cousin Bryan, Your Mom-mom came from Raleigh, Uncle Brian and Carla made the trip from DC, and your Great-Grandparents came from Ohio.

You were an angel during  mass.  You slept in daddy's arms most of the time and only woke up for a few minutes when you were baptized.  Your dad and I were shocked that there weren't any tears!

We chose your Aunt Kristen and Uncle Brian to be your Godparents.  They both love you to pieces!

Hanging out with mommy before the big event!

One of my favorite parts of the mass is that they invite all of the kids to come up during the baptism.  There's your cousin Bryan, front and center!

God Bless Addison Elizabeth Harvell :)

Good job Addie girl!

Father introducing you to the church!  You did so good!

At the end of the mass they invited us to the front of the church to bless your dad and I.

Silly cousin Bryan!
After mass, we invited everyone to come to the Swan Terrace for brunch.  It was a beautiful ending to a beautiful day.  We ate tons of delicious food, followed by some family photos in the garden. 

The whole crew at brunch!
Parents and Godparents

Pap, Grandma, and Mom-mom.  You are spoiled to death by your grandparents!

"When is it time for the kids picture?!"  Bryan loves his Cousin Addie!

Smiling with Mom-mom.  We missed you Bob-bob, feel better soon!
Pap and Grandma

Your Great-grandparents traveled all the way from Ohio to see you get baptized.  Then, they spent a few extra days visiting with us and snuggling with you at our house!

The whole crew!

With your favorite Godparents!

This is one of my favorite family photos so far, your dad and I just LOVE that smile!

Kisses for the cutest baby girl around

Smiles for Aunt Krissy!

Your cake was so pretty...and so yummy!
God Bless you Addison!  Your dad and I love you to pieces and your baptism was a day that we will never forget!  We love you Addie girl!

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