Saturday, February 28, 2015

Let it Snow

Let it snow!  Let it snow!  Let it snow!  We have had 2 pretty big snowstorms (Virginia big, nothing close to Boston obviously!)  over the past 2 weeks, which has meant lots of snow days and extra time at home with our sweet, little girl.  Our first storm brought a pretty nasty combination of snow and ice, so we literally were stuck inside for about 3 days.  Around here, they don't plow the residential areas - instead we were left for it to thaw out.  You could literally ice skate in our cul-de-sac if you wanted to! During our house-arrest we enjoyed lots of playtime, cuddles on the couch, and home cooked meals.  It was perfect!  

One day, we braved the cold, bundled Addie up, and went out for some fun in the snow!  We envisioned Addie smiling and laughing, pulling her around in the sled, and loving it!  Turns out we couldn't be more wrong!  Addie was NOT a fan.  She could barely move, was cold, and couldn't decide what to think of that white stuff.  The looks on her face says it all.  Needless to stay, we didn't stay outside long, but at least we gave it a shot!

The following week, we got another big storm of about 6 inches.  We attempted, yet again, to take Addie outside and she was not having it.  It's no surprise to us that our Addie girl is much more of a beach girl, just like Mommy and Daddy.

Hopefully, we will have more luck next year.  Until then, these beach bums have seen enough snow for the year and are ready for some fun in the sun.   Hurry up Spring!

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