Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Shopping sprees, sunshine, and strawberry fun!

I will have to admit, I am pretty spoiled the entire month of May!  Eric has his hands full with my birthday and Mother's Day just days apart, followed by our Anniversary only a few weeks later.  With spring in the air, a very active toddler, and swollen feet that come and go, I was not complaining - and actually really, really looking forward to a weekend full of pampering.

We kicked off the weekend celebrating my birthday.  Eric took me out to a super yummy kid-free hibachi dinner, followed my a kid-free shopping spree.  It was a blast and just what I needed after a long week of work!  I was happy to relax and Addie was beyond excited to hang out with her buddy, Anna, who is also our neighbor.

Saturday morning we started the day off early at Addie's first swim lesson and man, did she hate it!  Last year, we spent hours at the pool in the water, but I guess she was too little to have an opinion or figure out how to voice it.  Addie sure has found her voice now though!  She screamed almost the entire time and gave Eric and I a few looks that meant "Get me the heck outta here, it's cold!"  Eric did agree that the water was pretty cold and did his best to distract her with toys, splashing, and songs, but it was an epic fail.  Better luck next time I guess!  After our swim lesson, we met some friends at Hickory Farms for the Strawberry Jam!  It was a beautiful day and we had a blast strawberry picking and animal watching.  Saturday night, we cooked out for dinner and then Kristie and Samantha came for a quick visit before Samantha's cheer competition.  Even though celebrating this year was totally different than years past, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love spending time with my little family of 3 and cherish all of the memories we are making together!

Sunday was Mother's Day and yet another beautiful spring day!  We went to Oak Grove Lake for a walk and some mommy-daughter photos.  When we got home, we broke out Addie's water table to cool off and had a picnic lunch outside.  For dinner, Eric and Addie took me to one of my favorite local Italian spot and it was perfect!  It's not the fanciest of places, but we walked right in and got our table, followed by an absolutely delicious meal, and were on our way home within an hour.  Like I said, absolutely perfect!  Addie and Eric also spoiled me with a new charm for my Pandora bracelet and a summer candle - both of which I love!

I hope everyone else is enjoying this beautiful spring weather as much as we are these days.  Our active little toddler is at such a fun age and we are loving every single minute of it!

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