Thursday, May 28, 2015

My 100th Post

I can't believe that this is already my 100th post, time sure does fly by in the blink of an eye!  I started this blog back in January of last year right before Addie was born.  I wanted to document our lives as we went from a family of 2 to a family of 3, along with all of the ups and downs of being a first time mom.  Through my first 100 posts, I've learned that there are way more ups than there are downs that come along with being a mom and I have loved sharing every single milestone and special moment that we have had with our sweet little Addie girl.  Even if I am the only person that reads my blog, it is still totally worth it to me to have all of these memories in writing.  I love looking back at the very beginning of motherhood and I am so happy that I will be able to share all of it with Addie some day.

I hope to continue to blog for years to come and even though life continues to get busier by the day For starters, I plan on documenting our lives in the next couple of months as we go from a family of 3 to a family of 4.  I want to capture everything about Bella's arrival, all of her firsts and milestones, as well as Addie's ups and downs of being a big sister.  Hopefully these will be the first of many milestone posts and years down the road I'll hit 500 posts, maybe even 1000 if I'm lucky!

With that being said, here are some of my favorites from the first 100 posts:

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage - which pretty much sums up where it all began for Eric and I.  I'm lucky enough to be married to my best friend and I love the life that we have created together.  As Eric and I always say, from beach chairs to rocking chairs...

I cannot wait to share Addie's birth story with her and pictures from the very first day we laid eyes on her.  Our lives changed forever on February 10th, 2014 and we are so lucky to have our sweet Addie girl in our lives!

Addie will always be "daddy's little girl" and I love that we have the very first letter he ever wrote to her on the blog.  Maybe one day (a long, long time from now!) she will even go back and read this on her wedding day.

Our beach days may have changed quite a bit in the last year, but I wouldn't change a thing!  I love hitting the beach with the cutest little beach bum around and I love that I have our very first family trip to the beach on the blog.

It's pretty neat that I have 2 pictures with 4 generations of women in them.  One when I was a little girl and now one with my daughter in it.  These photos are very special to me!

Addie and her Aunt Krissy have such a special bond and have more in common than you would think.  This post was so much fun to write and I laughed out loud the entire time.

There's something special about celebrating holidays once you have your own family.  We had a blast this year for Addie's first Christmas and started many traditions that I cannot wait to continue for years to come.

I loved doing Addie's mostly posts and this one kind of tops it all off to see how she changed from the day she was born until her first birthday.  Addie's first year flew by, so I am very happy that I have so many great pictures and posts to look back at one day and remember how tiny she once was.

A first birthday is such a huge milestone!  We had the best time celebrating, Minnie Mouse style, with all of our family and friends.  Addie is one lucky girl!

It was so much fun to share our exciting news with the world on my blog (and it gave me an excuse to do an impromptu photo shoot with Addie!)  I love having a daughter and I cannot wait to be a mommy of 2 sweet girls :)

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