Monday, June 1, 2015

Favorite "Memorable Moments" from School

Addie is officially done with daycare!!!  I will say although I am very, very excited to be able to stay at home with her next year, leaving daycare is a little bittersweet.  We were so lucky to have such a wonderful experience at the Goddard School of Chesapeake.  We absolutely loved her teachers, the office staff, and all of the kids there.  The daycare was like a family and they treated all of the kids like their own.  They always made Eric and I feel very comfortable leaving her there, even those first couple days when as any parent knows it is extremely difficult.  Her teachers sent us pictures throughout the day and recorded memorable moments on her daily report so that Eric and I could feel included in her day.  Addie loved playing outside, singing and dancing with her friends at circle time, and of course snack time!  She learned so much and hit so many milestones while she was there too, from sitting up, to walking, to sign language.  I've been very impressed with the variety of learning experiences Addie had on a daily basis while she was there.  She learned how to wash and dry her hands all by herself, throw her trash away, and even stand in line.  

On Addie's last day, there were lots of hugs and smiles and we were even given a portfolio of special pictures, comments, and art work from every month that she was there.  Addie will spend the next 3 weeks hanging out with her Aunt Krissy and then come the middle of June I cannot wait to start a new chapter in mommy world and spend every day with my sweet Addie girl! 

Addie's 1st day of daycare back in September and her last day of daycare at the end of May.
Here are some of my favorite "Memorable Moments" from Addie's daily reports.  I love looking back at these and seeing how much Addie has changed in a few short months.  She went from being a sweet and observant baby to a fun, spunky, full of energy toddler.

Addie had a great day!! She enjoyed her first full day of school! She showed us how much stronger she is getting with sitting up! 

Addie had a great day!! She smiled at everyone that came in the room today!! She is so sweet! 

Addie had a great day!! She enjoyed her first ride outside in the bye bye buggy! 

Addison did a great job gripping the ball as we attempted to roll it to our friends today.

Addie had a great day! She enjoyed exploring with the rattles while we played music today!! She even bounced like she was dancing! 

Addie had a great day! She gave us lots of smiles and showed off her new tooth today!!

Addie had a great day! She danced while her teacher sang songs on the mat!! 

Addie had a great day! She clapped at everything today!! 

 We were so excited to see Addie successfully army crawl across the floor today! 

Addie had a great day today! She has been all smiles today and enjoyed playing with a ball with her teacher. 

Addie had a great day! Today is the first time we saw her up on all fours crawling on the floor!! No more army crawls for Addie. 

Addie had a wonderful day today! She is so friendly with the other kids and even reached to help pick up a pacifier that had fallen out of her friend's mouth! 

Addie had a great day!! She couldn't stop dancing to the holiday music we played this morning!  

Addie had a great day! She sure does like spitting raspberries!! It's so much fun for them when they learn that! 

Addie had a great day today! We were so impressed that she kept her socks on all morning! 

Addie loved waving hello and goodbye to her friends and teachers today! 

Addie had a great day!! Someone is getting braver and looks like she'll be standing on her own soon!! Good job, Addie!! 

Addie had a great day!! She did a wonderful job in her new shoes. She left them on her feet and was a little more stable while she was standing up!! Great job Addie.

Addie had a great day! She had a great time in the moo cows during her first official day of transition.

Addie had a great day!! She got to spend some time in the pigs class where she showed off her sweet walking skills! 

Instead of doing the "Happy feet" yoga pose, Addison decided to do the downward dog and show all of her new friends. 

As Addison began to walk she started following her shadow. 

Addie loved practicing her downward dog yoga pose today during free play!  

Addison was stacking the blocks and clapped every time she put one on top of the other. 

Addison signed "more" and tried to say the word too. 

Addison had a great day, she played with all her friends and did a great job practicing to share with her friends. 

Addie had a great time dancing with the cheer team today!

Through out the whole day Addison did the yoga pose downward dog. 

Addison made sure she tasted the apple before she painted with it. 

Addison was a diver today, she climbed up the big blocks and rolled back down and laughed about it.  

During music Addison got her boogie on, she showed her friends her dance moves. 

Addison, followed Ms Yuri around the playground, until she could get her hand and pull her to the water fountain to get a drink of water. 

Addison pretended like she was a whale and made noises while we listened to the song "Baby Beluga."

Today Addison decided to paint her hair instead of her paper.

Addison, made her teacher feel very special, she would not let anyone sit in Ms. Yuri's lap.

Addison we are going to miss you so much, you have brought so much joy and laughter into the moo cows. No matter where you are remember your the light that brightens the room. With the amazing spunk that you have, we will definitely notice your not here. Thank you for the warm hugs and helping to get circle time and music time together and for always giving a hug when a hug is needed. You keep being a blessing, your going to make an awesome big sister. We will truly miss you. Love Ms. Yuri and the moo cow classroom. 

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