Friday, July 31, 2015

OBX - Pontoons, Jet-Skis, Parks, and Golf

Here it is - the LAST of my OBX posts - I promise.  What can I say though, when you have a great time and make so many great memories that your want to share,  a trip is well worth 6 posts...right?!?

This year (unlike years past) we had amazing weather...just ask my dad!  We were able to be outside every single day, spent countless hours at the beach and by the pool, and still had time for some other outdoor activities....

On a Pontoon

On the pontoon
Makin' waves and catchin' rays up on the roof
Jumpin' out the back, don't act like you don't want to
Party in slow motion
Out here in the open

Ahhh yes the pontoon boat....who wouldn't want to extend their vacation another day and on a boat?!?  Since Saturday was check-out day and the weather looked absolutely beautiful, we decided that we weren't quite ready to leave yet!  Instead, we packed our stuff, loaded up the cars, and rented a boat from 12-4 instead.  That way we could vacay a little longer, miss traffic, and still make it home by dinner (only 1 1/2 hr drive is yet another perk of living in Chesapeake!)  All in all it was the perfect plan....until nap time is considered.  Addie usually naps around 1, right smack in the middle of our boat rental.  We didn't let that hold us back though, we figured we would give it a shot and see what happens.  If she got tired, we would just get dropped off and be on our way so everyone else could enjoy the boat without a screaming toddler to ruin the mood.

  We had a blast on the pontoon boat.  The girls laid out, the boys were fishing, and my mom and I hid in the shade with a very wobbly toddler who wasn't quite sure why she was having a difficult time walking.  Everyone enjoyed the views, their beverages, and good company - and Bryan even caught 2 fish!  Eric and I only made it until about 2pm, which was okay and expected because of the nap thing.  We got dropped off and were on our way, while the rest of the crew enjoyed a few more hours on the water.  All in all, it was a success and a must do on future vacations!


I can't write a lot about this one, but I still wanted share.  I wasn't there, last year I learned that golf really isn't my thing.  I can handle the driving range and I can even handle golfing at our favorite spot in Pittsburgh, Bob's, but even 9 holes is just too much (and too boring!) for me.  I think even Eric learned that it's best if I just stay home lol.  This year, the boys went twice.  Eric and Brian golfed 18 holes on Tuesday and then my dad and Carla joined them for another 9 holes on Wednesday.  The rest of us hung out by the pool and went to the beach instead.


The "kids" - Eric, Brian, Carla, Kristen, and Bryan went jet-skiing this year and they had a blast.  Of course I wished I could join, this is yet another fun thing that you miss out on while being preggo.  My mom, dad, Addie, and I did go to watch for a few minutes though and I was able to snap some pictures of (almost) everyone.  Apparently, Eric was having too much fun to come close enough so we could see him!  This was Bryan's first time and he absolutely loved it...he even gave it not one, but two thumbs up when he was finished!


Little Miss Addie is obsessed with parks these days!  She loves to run around and will go up and down a slide 1000 times if I let her.  So I was very happy to see that our beach house was very close to a great kids park.  After being stuck in her stroller during jet skiing, we decided that she deserved to have some fun to and we were off to the park.  Grandma, Kristen, and Bryan decided to join us as well.  Addie and Bryan had a lot of fun and ran off some of their energy just in time before a storm rolled in.  It was perfect!


No further explanation is needed here - it is what it is :)

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