Monday, August 3, 2015

Happy August!

Dear Bella,

Happy August!  It is officially your birth month and I cannot believe that it is already here!  I am 37 weeks - FULL TERM - today, which just blows my mind.  It seems like just yesterday your dad and I found out that we were expecting and we were eagerly sharing our big news with friends and family.  This pregnancy has flown by in the blink of an eye and now we are only 2 weeks away from meeting you for the very first time!  I could not be more excited!

We have had a very busy summer preparing for your arrival!  Your dad and I have been busy getting the house ready -  your clothes are all washed and put away, all of the baby gear is set up and ready for you, my hospital bag is packed, and your big sister has been practicing giving hugs and kisses and being nice to her baby doll.  

This summer hasn't been all work and no play though, we've had a blast doing a lot of fun things as our last summer as a family of 3.  Your big sister is constantly on the go and she loves to be in the water!  It's been extremely hot and humid this summer, so we have spent LOTS of time at the beach and in the pool.  We've explored local parks, gone on vacations, and enjoyed lots of playdates with friends.  These are all things that Addie cannot wait to share with you and we cannot wait to do as a family of 4 next summer!

Now that most of our work is done and we've had plenty of time to play, we are ready for you to make your grand entrance Bella.  We are already so in love with you and we cannot wait to see your sweet face, hold your tiny hands, smell your new baby smell, and just love you to death.  We cannot wait to introduce you to your big sister Addie.  She is spunky, sweet, and hilarious - you are going to love her!  Your dad and I cannot wait to watch the two of you interact and we hope that you are best friends.  Bella, you are already so loved and you have so many people who cannot wait to meet you on your birthday!  Enjoy your last couple of days in mommy's belly and we cannot wait to meet you very soon!

We love you Bella Sherry Harvell!


Until you make your grand entrance Bella, Addie thinks mommy's belly is the perfect arm rest while she watched Doc McStuffins!  I think it's sweet that she likes to be so close to you already.

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