Saturday, August 15, 2015

Baby Bump - Month 9

How far along?  39 weeks (technically 38 weeks 5 days)- the big day is on Tuesday and we are beyond excited!  I for one cannot wait for her to get out, but we also cannot wait meet our beautiful daughter.  See you soon Bella, we love you to the moon and back already!

Gender:  It's a girl - Bella Sherry Harvell!

Feeling:   I am so over being pregnant!  I'm extremely uncomfortable, exhausted, and swollen.  I am having a difficult time even typing this post because the carpal tunnel I get in my hands is very painful.  I know that's a lot of complaining, but too bad, I'm 9 months pregnant in the middle of the summer - it is what it is!

Maternity Clothes: I'm at that point where I only have a few shirts that still fit, which makes getting dressed very frustrating!  I pretty much live in leggings and Eric's t-shirts except for the few hours we leave the house for the day and I have to look presentable.  The second I walk back in the door's back to the t-shirts...

Sleep: Sleep?? What's that? 

Favorite Moments:

-Spending lots of one on one time with Addie.  We've had a blast going on walks, having play dates, exploring various parks near us, playing every week at the Little Gym, and having donut-coffee dates together.  I've really cherished our time together this summer, we've made some great memories before her little sister arrives.

-Our date night to the Florida Georgia Line concert - we ended up sitting super close with some friends and it was a blast!

-It's been a lot of fun preparing Addie to be a big sister.  She loves to put her baby doll in the swing and says "shhh...", she's also tested out the bouncer herself quite a few times to make sure it's perfect for Bella.  We feed her baby doll, give her hugs and kisses, and have even put a diaper on her.  I hope all of our practice makes the transition a little easier on Addie, she's going to be my little helper and will give her little sister the best hugs and kisses.

-We are officially baby ready!  Car seats are filling up my back seat, the house is spotless because Eric hired a cleaning lady to help me out, and the baby gear is only missing one thing - the baby!

Missing anything? sleep, having energy and being able to get around easily and keep up with Addie, my normal body - I feel like Bella has completely taken over and I'm ready to have my body back

Movement:  All the time!

Cravings:  I cannot get enough fruit, especially watermelon.  I could eat it at every meal, all day long!  I'm also still loving iced coffee and anything Italian.

Looking forward to:

-TUESDAY!  I can't wait to meet our sweet girl and celebrate her birthday!

-I'm also looking forward to watching Bella and Eric together  Addie has such a special bond with her Daddy and has had him wrapped around her little finger since the day she was born and I can't wait to see the same with Bella.

-I can't wait to see Addie as a big sister and how she interacts with Bella.  Yes, Addie's life is about to change, but Addie is so sweet and I know that she is going to love her baby sister to death.  They are going to be best friends and I'm so happy they'll always have each other.

-I'm excited to introduce Bella to the rest of our family in friends.  We are lucky that even though our family lives out of town, many of them are making the trip just for Bella's birthday.  My parents, Bella's Grandma & Pap, and Aunt Kristen are making the trip from Pittsburgh.  Uncle Brian and Carla are hoping to be able to sneak away from work for the day to meet Bella.  Aunt Kristie and Samantha are coming from Raleigh for the evening as well.  We also have lots of friends in the area that are very excited to meet Bella!  Bella, you are one lucky girl and already have so many people who love you to death and can't wait to meet you.

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