Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Bella Sherry

We welcomed our beautiful daughter, Bella Sherry Harvell, into this world on Tuesday, August 18th, 2015 at 8:05am.  She weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 1/4 inches long.  Bella has a full head of gorgeous dark hair just like her big sister did and the most precious blue eyes, which Daddy is thrilled about!  We are head over heels in love with our beautiful Bella and she is the perfect addition to our family.

Bella's Birth Story

Bella's arrival into this world was night and day compared to her sister's.  I was a repeat c-section because Addie was breech and Bella was too for the majority of my pregnancy, although she did end of flipping in the end.  Since I was a repeat c-section, we have had our date set for over 2 months, the only thing that we needed was for Bella to be patient and stay put until August 18th.

Grandma, Pap, and Aunt Kristen arrived Monday late afternoon just in time for dinner.  We all went out for a nice Italian dinner before heading home to relax and watch some reality TV before our big day.  Eric and I had to be at the hospital at 5:30 so we got to bed early with our alarms set and ready to go.  As soon as I laid down I figured I would be right back up.  When I was pregnant with Addie my water broke and I went into labor the night before I was scheduled.  I thought for sure Bella would follow in her big sisters step and it would be a long night.  Luckily, she didn't.  Our alarms went off and we got ready, grabbed our bags, and we were off to meet our Bella!

We arrived at the hospital very calm, like I said this was night and day compared to Addie's birth story.  We walked into labor and delivery where we were greeted by a very nice nurse, "Amy Harvell?" she said.  Yes, that's us!  It was like we were checking into a hotel.  We completed some paperwork, put our bags in our room (Room 30 - which was right next door to our room for Addie), and we went to the triage room where I was hooked up to some monitors and given an IV with some fluids and antibiotics, and drank a very disgusting anti-nausea medicine.  Then we just waited.  Eric and I had CMT music videos on and were just hanging out while a bunch of nurses and doctors came in and out.  One of our favorite night nurses from when Addie was born walked in at one point and it just put my mind at ease.  It was nice to see a familiar face and we even shared a few laughs.  I wasn't necessarily nervous, at least not nearly nervous as I thought I would be.  We were very calm, very relaxed, and very anxious and excited to meet our daughter.  My mom arrived around 6:30 and she joined in on the fun for a little.  Dr. Pirkle stopped in shortly after that.  Around 7:15 we were ready to walk to the OR and have our baby.

Last picture of the baby bump!  See you soon Bella!

Daddy relaxing before the big show.

It's time!

Daddy taking a silly selfie in his scrubs.
I walked into the OR and Eric waited outside while I got my spinal.  This part was all a blur last time because I was in a lot of pain.  This time around I felt great and it was at this point that I got a little nervous.  Luckily, the team of doctors and nurses were amazing.  They walked me through the whole thing and before I knew it Eric joined me in the operating room.  He sat up near my head and did a good job talking to me and taking my mind off of what was happening.  A few minutes later it was time and at exactly 8:05 am our beautiful Bella was born.  Eric peeked over the curtain and his face lit up.  Bella instantly let out a loud cry and it brought a smile to my face.  They took her aside for a minute and then brought her to me and let me do skin-to-skin.  It was very special.  Eric and I were on cloud 9 and could not believe how much she looked like her big sister.  Bella means "beautiful" in Italian and her name could not be more fitting.  She was absolutely perfect in every single way and we were head over heels in love with our new daughter.  

Happy Birthday Bella!  We love you to the moon and back!

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