Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Day in the Life - Just the 3 of Us

As we are patiently waiting for Bella's arrival, I thought I would dedicate a post to what a typical day looks like in our house with just the 3 of us.  I know once Bella is here schedules will probably go out the window for a while and life will get a little chaotic with 2 children under 2, but we will adjust like everyone else and find our new normal.  I will probably look back at this post years from now and laugh at how "busy" I thought I was - just like I do now when I think about life before children.  With that being said, here it is...A day in the Life in the Harvell household.......

7:30am - Addie wakes up - sometimes she's up a little before 7 or even a little after, but she hangs out in her crib until 7:30.  Occasionally, she will sleep till 8 or 8:30, but 7:30 is usually her norm.  We get up, Addie gets her juice and mommy has her coffee, then it's time for breakfast.  Some of Addie's favorites are yogurt, bananas, waffles, and lately she has been on a scrambled egg kick.

8:00-9:00am  Morning playtime - In order to get Addie ready to have a little sister, we have been working on her playing independently.  She loves her play room and there is so much to do in there.  I'm always near by and I love watching her play.  While she is playing I am usually either on my computer, blogging or working on a photo book or doing things around the house such as cleaning, laundry, making a grocery list, etc.

9:00-12pm Around 9:00 we usually get ready for the day.  In order to keep my sanity, we try to leave the house every morning for a few hours.  We either schedule a playdate, go to our class at the Little Gym, go for a walk and to the park, or run some errands.  It's nice to change up the environment for Addie and leaving the house always results in a much better nap for her, which makes for a happy mommy.

12:30pm  Lunch time - Some of Addie's favorites are mac & cheese, applesauce, peanut butter & jelly, string cheese, yogurt, and spaghetti.  After lunch, we usually go up to her room and read some books before she lays down.

1:00-3:00pm  Nap time...one of my favorite parts of the day!  While Addie is napping I usually get some things done around the house, lately it's been things on my list of to-do's to get done before Bella's arrival.   I'm not going to lie though, being super pregnant these days, sometimes I take this time to relax and recharge while Addie is napping.  Most of my mornings are pretty busy and chasing around an active 18 month old in the heat is pretty exhausting!

3:00-5:00pm  Addie is usually up around 3 and she has a snack.  Then, we play and hang out until Daddy gets home.  Since it's summer time, sometimes Daddy leaves work early and we go to the pool or he takes Addie for a walk.  It all depends on the day.

5:00pm  Daddy gets home from work and Addie sprints around the corner to see him!  She gets so excited!  Eric usually plays with Addie while I work on getting dinner ready.

6:00pm  Dinner - then more play time or an evening walk.  Since it's been super hot out the early morning or late evening are our only chances for a walk.  Sometimes it's even in the mid-90s at that point though and we either skip the walk or Eric takes Addie by himself.

7:00pm  Bath and pajama time.  Addie gets a bath usually every other day or so, unless we go to the beach or she's extra messy from dinner or being outside.  Once she is ready for bed, we usually lay on the couch (Cooper included) and Addie watches an episode of Doc McStuffins before bed time.

7:30pm  Bed time....another day down, time to relax the rest of the night until we see what tomorrow brings....

Addie & Mommy date at Dunkin Donuts after running some errands in the morning.

Some of our favorite friends to have play dates with, Addy & Hudson!
Some afternoon jumping on couch cushions for our little monkey.

Edible finger painting fun!
Playing with...

Daddy at..

the Y pool, so much fun!

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