Friday, September 11, 2015

Fall Bucket List

Everyone who knows me knows that I absolutely LOVE summer!  I love the warm weather, beach days, and nothing tops summer vacation when you are a teacher.  My second favorite season though is FALL!  I am so excited for fall this year!  Not only am I going to enjoy pumpkin flavored everything myself, but I will get to enjoy the cooler weather, days at the park, and lot of fun activities with the girls now that I am staying at home during the day.  Fall also brings football season, another one of our favorite things...Go Steelers!

Here are some things that we are looking forward to this FALL in the Harvell household:

  • Football Sundays - bring on the Steelers, dip, and we will probably throw in some baby dolls and legos this year to keep everyone happy!
  • Trick or Treat - I'm really excited for this because Addie wasn't really old enough last year to enjoy it.  This will be our first year actually being able to do it with her and Bella will be along for the ride too!
  • Make Smores and introduce Addie to one of Mommy's favorite foods
  • Do a fun painting pumpkin activity with Addie and her friends
  • Go to Harvest Days at Hunt Club Farm - pick pumpkins, go on a hayride, and try out the petting zoo.
  • Roadtrip to Raleigh and Pittsburgh to introduce Bella to more of her family.  Cross your fingers for Eric and I that we survive the long drive.
  • Take some Fall pictures of the girls, hopefully somewhere pretty either outside with the changing leaves or by some sunflowers
  • Drink as many pumpkin spice lattes as possible and try some new pumpkin flavored recipes
  • Go to Bergey's Breadbasket for the corn maze and ice cream that I hear such good things about!
  • Create a Halloween/Fall picture wall to display pictures of the girls year after year as part of our fall decor.
  • Take Addie to Amazing Glazed for a mommy-daughter breakfast date.  She loves donuts!
  • Do a fun fall/Halloween craft with Addie - I'll probably check Pinterest for some inspiration!
  • Have a picnic on the beach at sunset.  This was on our summer bucket list and we never got around to it, the humidity and being super preggo got in the way.  
  • Try to have at least one date night a month, even if we have to bring Bella along with us it will be nice to have some quiet, alone time.
  • Go for walks, play at the park, take a trip to the zoo, go to the Botanical gardens and do as much as we can outside before the cold winter weather forces us to hibernate.  Bring on the cool, crisp air of the fall - we are ready!
And because I can't write a blog post without pictures, here's a few throwback pictures from last year.  Addie was the cutest pumpkin in the patch!  Happy Fall Y'all!

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